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 Thoughts and Prayers

A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.

For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
*Please, no cutting and pasting. Providing links is ok.
*Avoid long posts. Most people don't read them anyway.
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*© Copyrighted Material is fine as long as the original author is given credit.

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*God bless you! Shalom! Salaam aleikum!

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3. Декабря 2006, 10:13:15
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: xmas is soon
Pbarb2: We haven't heard anything yet and of course were all worried.Her fellowship has been very quiet.Ali needs all our prayers for a positive outcome.

2. Декабря 2006, 20:54:54
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: xmas is soon
Foxy Lady: No news on Ali yet we pray that her surgery went well.

2. Декабря 2006, 11:07:08
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: God Is Just
God Is Just
14 Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.
Every decent human being deeply detests injustice. When we see it in life, or even in a movie, it agitates us. Nothing makes our blood boil more than injustice.
We instinctively know injustice is wrong because God put that within us when He made us in His image. You can be sure that God's reign will never involve injustice of any kind.
7 The Lord does what is right, and he loves justice. So honest people will see his face.
While we may not understand all that God might do in judging the human race, surely we can be confident with Abraham who said in Genesis 18:25, "Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?". God is fair. God is just. God does what is right. God is righteous. All these statements are equivalent.
People who would condemn God now are judging Him before the time -- before all the evidence is in -- before God has finished His great work with mankind.
Then, and then only, shall we see and understand the greatness of the mercy and the justice of our wonderful God.
7 Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.
SAY THIS: God is fair and just, and He is the ultimate and only judge that really matters.

2. Декабря 2006, 10:08:24
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: xmas is soon
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Ali who had surgery yesterday.

24. Ноября 2006, 05:32:34
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: Sarah1980
MadMonkey: OMG please keep us posted on her
MM.I'll keep her in my prayers.

22. Ноября 2006, 06:17:58
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: Prayers please
Rose: I'm sorry i missed your post.

21. Ноября 2006, 01:31:31
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: Prayers please
sandra...: Our prayers and support are with you and yours.

17. Ноября 2006, 07:42:11
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: The Poem
The Poem
I knelt to pray but not for long,
I had too much to do.
I had to hurry and get to work
For bills would soon be due.
So I knelt and said a hurried prayer,
And jumped up off my knees.
My Christian duty was now done
My soul could rest at ease....
All day long I had no time
To spread a word of cheer
No time to speak of Christ to friends,
They'd laugh at me I'd fear.
No time, no time, too much to do,
That was my constant cry,
No time to give to souls in need
But at last the time, the time to die.
I went before the Lord,
I came, I stood with downcast eyes.
For in his hands God! held a book;
It was the book of life.
God looked into his book and said
"Your name I cannot find
I once was going to write it down...
But never found the time"

Now do you have the time
to pass it on?

6. Ноября 2006, 14:13:34
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Candles To Light
Each candle has a color for reasons.


5. Ноября 2006, 23:58:20
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re:
volant: He leaves Dec 15 his whole unit is going.My mother-in-law is so upset that he won't be home for Christmas.

5. Ноября 2006, 18:40:17
Foxy Lady 
My brother-in-law is going back to Iraq.Please say a prayer for his safe return.He leaves just before Christmas.

3. Ноября 2006, 16:19:10
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: Ecclesiastes 7 (New International Version)
Сделано для Foxy Lady (3. Ноября 2006, 16:20:33)
Jules: I just read Ecclesiastes 7.You can also donate i saw.
Thanks for sharing.

edited to add the l

2. Ноября 2006, 20:40:46
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: The Message Of Reconciliation
alanback: After re-reading it i decided to anyways.

2. Ноября 2006, 20:10:56
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: The Message Of Reconciliation
Сделано для Foxy Lady (2. Ноября 2006, 20:38:33)
alanback: This board is open to all whatever religion.This was sent to me in an e-mail.I did edit the post sorry it wasn't meant to be bias.

2. Ноября 2006, 10:39:36
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: The Message Of Reconciliation
Сделано для Foxy Lady (2. Ноября 2006, 20:36:16)
19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.
The Good News is about reconciliation between God and man. Jesus Christ accomplished it.
Mankind was estranged from God. We had gone our own way, were lost, and couldn't find our way back to fellowship with God. Fortunately, God loved us and did something to help us.
Two extremely important ideas are presented in the above verse.
First, God is not holding people's sins against them! As far as God is concerned, Christ's sacrifice paid the penalty for all sin -- and God considers the world reconciled back to Him.
Second, this wonderful good news of what God has done has been committed to us. Human beings must tell it. If we don't -- it won't be told.
People can live and die and never know the glorious truth that God is not holding any sins against them -- if no one tells them.
They need to know they are forgiven, loved by God, and welcome to come back into fellowship with Him through Christ.
Think about this: God is interested in reconciliation. Not in shutting you, or others, out. He is inviting humanity in, saying all is forgiven.
SAY THIS: Thank You Father God for reconciling me and not holding my sins against me. Please help me to share this message with everyone.

31. Октября 2006, 04:12:41
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: A Prayer
Сделано для Foxy Lady (31. Октября 2006, 04:17:25)
Oh Lord, You are so wonderful
Did I take the time to pray,
Or did I find myself wrapped up
In other things today?

Did I remember to thank You
For the moon and stars above,
And all You have created
But most of all... Your love?

Did I mention that I'm thankful
I can read Your words each day,
By opening up my Bible
And to Your words, try to obey?

Did I remember to thank You too
For this beautiful sunny day,
For the birds that sing so joyfully
In their melancholy way?

Have I asked for Your forgiveness
When I complain of things I should not?
For I know, Lord, in my heart
I must be grateful for all I've got.

Did I thank You for the love
You have placed within my heart,
And for the many friends I have?
For with me, they are a part.

Finally, Lord, have I let You know
My life would be incomplete,
If I didn't know You, as my Savior...
The one someday I'll meet?
Ruth Ann Mahaffey

This was sent to me.

30. Октября 2006, 20:27:05
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: For friends new and old..
Pbarb2: Thank you for that beautiful prayer.

15. Октября 2006, 04:58:47
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re:
bouncybouncy: Awwwww thats so cute.

14. Октября 2006, 04:17:50
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: THANK YOU!!
bouncybouncy: Your welcome i know how happy you are.

13. Октября 2006, 08:11:02
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: Plane Crash
Groucho: It makes ya stop, and think how fast loved ones can be taken.
Living in NY my first thought was we were under attack again.
So i'm going to ask God to Bless All Troops and say Thank You for serving our country.

12. Октября 2006, 06:54:43
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Plane Crash
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the families in NY today.

I have to say it sure brought back some horrible memories.

10. Октября 2006, 02:37:07
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re:
Jules: I pray we don't go into another war.

9. Октября 2006, 03:40:20
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re:
prettymama: Your welcome and you know you can always come here for comfort.Or you can always write in Angels Are Amoung Us.There;s extra boards i put in the f/s.

8. Октября 2006, 04:03:08
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: Please pray for my new granddaughter
PegasusInAR: Our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.Please feel free to post anytime,were all here for you.

5. Октября 2006, 07:16:05
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: Thanks everybody
Gentlegiant101: Anytime were here for you.

4. Октября 2006, 06:47:19
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: To avoid future abuse
Gentlegiant101: Your in our thoughts and prayers.A special prayer for your mother to guide her from further abusing you.Please know you can always come to this board for support.

4. Октября 2006, 03:38:43
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: School shootings
Groucho: I know what you mean.

4. Октября 2006, 03:15:53
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: School shootings
Groucho: It does make you wonder doesn't it.I feel for those parents and the children that we'll be tramatized for years to come.Let's say a prayer for all.

3. Октября 2006, 06:25:27
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re:

30. Сентября 2006, 06:28:05
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: Some prayers I request please
ScarletRose: Sorry about your losses this site can explain the Heart Cath to you.

29. Сентября 2006, 19:41:09
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re:
prettymama: I'm so sorry to read such sad news.Your in my thoughts and prayers.

28. Сентября 2006, 06:24:19
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re:
bouncybouncy: I'll be thinking of you and your family Ali.

28. Сентября 2006, 06:22:48
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re:
prettymama: I hope your dad is doing well.

28. Сентября 2006, 06:21:29
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: L'Shanah Tovah ... Assalamalaikum
King Reza: Blessings to all may there be peace.

16. Сентября 2006, 11:17:35
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Our Prayers
Go out to Dolittles hubby for a speedy recovery.
and to UzzyLady

16. Сентября 2006, 10:59:20
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: Please welcome our new co-moderator Foxy.
Groucho: Your Welcome

11. Сентября 2006, 09:05:14
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: 9/11
bouncybouncy: Many a heavy heart today were attending a mass that our church has every year.

18. Августа 2006, 07:20:05
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: We need some help for anyone that would care to help
mrloupcity: I'll say a prayer for ya but i agree with Groucho babies don't wait.

9. Августа 2006, 20:42:51
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Molly
Please keep Molly in your prayers.She's a member here who is very ill.

29. Июля 2006, 13:06:02
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re:
Groucho: It takes time to heal your probably still swollen inside.

26. Июля 2006, 12:39:56
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: Foxy Lady and Srinity
WatfordFC: I'll keep your Dad in my daily prayers.I'm sure your full of all kinds of emotions right now,but you know were all here for you.

26. Июля 2006, 00:43:16
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re:
WatfordFC: I just read about your Dad he's in my prayers.

7. Июля 2006, 06:08:40
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re:
WatfordFC: That is so awesume.

1. Июля 2006, 18:32:55
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: Which board would I use
Vikings: OOPPPPPPSSSSSS my mistake

1. Июля 2006, 18:13:17
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: Which board would I use
wolfie5: Try the debate board i think you can get on it.

21. Мая 2006, 09:23:13
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: RockinRon
I'm so sorry to read such sad news about Ron.My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

20. Мая 2006, 03:49:40
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: prayer request
Radiant Aunt: Amen

17. Мая 2006, 18:33:51
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: update
snowhugs: Wow let's hope she improves.I never doubt the power of prayer.

16. Мая 2006, 03:47:09
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Re: Prayers Needed
whatdidyousay: Thank You

15. Мая 2006, 08:22:06
Foxy Lady 
Субъект: Prayers Needed
A very good freind of mine has to have a lung biopsy.Please pray everything turns out ok.

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