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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

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<< <   319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328   > >>
3. Декабря 2002, 00:12:07
Субъект: Tank Battle
Thanks for creating the size variation for this game, it is just right. But...there's aways a but, some of the squares are different sizes which makes it difficult to judge where your tank can move to. Can this be fixed?

30. Ноября 2002, 16:11:22
Субъект: Re:
Second thought - these type of games carry a large data base load and could possibly slow the server down.

30. Ноября 2002, 16:01:28
Субъект: Re:
Instead of scrabble, which you have to have a license to put it on your website. How about a game similiar to the 1 played at littlegolem.net. It's a combination of scrabble/boggle.

30. Ноября 2002, 09:43:58
Nikki: Backgammon is my nightmare ;-) But I'll definitely add it, I promise.
Kevin: Yes, that could be a useful feature. Added to the list ;-)
Cubs: The problem of Scrabble is the license. You know, Mattel owns the license and I don't support if would be cheap. Does anybody know how much is the licence?

30. Ноября 2002, 08:46:32
Субъект: features/games
My own stupid suggestions:
How about Scrabble? How about Shantraj - that is, the original form of chess before the pieces became nuclear-powered?

29. Ноября 2002, 23:03:24
Субъект: Just in case your TODO list isn't quite long enough (lol)...
In chess / checkers / Tank Battle / etc, would it be possible to indicate if a piece was taken with the last move, and if so, what the piece was?

29. Ноября 2002, 22:21:58
Субъект: backgammon
Hi Fencer, great site :)
I was just wondering if you have an estimate as to when you will get backgammon here. I am waiting patiently ;)

29. Ноября 2002, 18:18:08
Tony: About conditional moves, I am afraid that it could cause an overall performance loss because of too many new methods and calculations at the source code. I can consider it later, I need to test such unusual features first.
About ratings, how could you avoid cheaters to get high BKR by winning fake games with fake players [and increasing their BKR by 1 for nothing]?

29. Ноября 2002, 11:26:43
Субъект: Ratings - Just 1 point?
I know that it is fair and just not to get any increase in yr rating, if the other player is too far below. But wouldn't just 1 point be reasonable? Just for the effort of playing an unrated player; after all they have to start somewhere.

29. Ноября 2002, 10:10:43
Субъект: Re: Yep, me again! (re: reversi)
Following on from Kevin's 'no move bounce back request', please would you consider conditional moves. For example, in Five Line, your opponent may have to stop a four and you could say 'If (the square where he needs to put his piece), then ...' I appreciate that this would be horribly difficult but it would speed up games enormously.

29. Ноября 2002, 06:50:11
Kevin: I'll look at the vacations. It should not happen.
Mystery Man: That's why the system removes all invalid > and < occurences in order to protect itself against bad HTML tags which could corrupt the whole page. I am working on a better HTML validator but it will take some time. Meanwhile, you can use &lt; and &gt; instead.

29. Ноября 2002, 06:29:05
Mystery Man 
Субъект: >(~¿O)7 Fencer..
I have a question.. See my face in the subject above.. Why is it when I write a message to my opponent, in the game, that when I put in that face (in place of :-)) a smile) does my message end up being deleted, after I submit the move, but the face (with the exception of the right pointing "arrow" I use for an ear) still remains..??

29. Ноября 2002, 05:28:43
Mystery Man 
Субъект: Re: Yep, me again! (re: reversi)
Yes, that's what I was thinking too.. Should be as an "automatic-bounce-back" to you (as long as your opponent has no move)
This site is getting better & better all the time.. :-))

29. Ноября 2002, 04:00:26
Субъект: Yep, me again! (re: reversi)
Would it be possible to make it so if your opponent has no moves you can play again (even if it just sends it right back to you without going through your opponent) rahter than having to wait for your opponent to send it back to you? It can really speed up games when one player can do several moves in a row because their opponent can't make them.
Thanks Fencer, you're doing a great job!!

29. Ноября 2002, 03:20:25
Субъект: Tank battle
Would it be possible to be able to adjust the size of the game board? I'm on a web and that is the only game that I can't see the whole board at once.

29. Ноября 2002, 03:19:22
Субъект: Days Off / Vacation
I noticed just now i changed the month on the Calandar (in the settings section) from November to December because there wasn't even any boxes left to check in November! When i did this (even though i didn't click save) the box to select days off went away (so i can't change them for a week - even though i didn't touch the days off). I think days off and vacation should be seperate (at least so changing one doesn't make it think you changed the other).

26. Ноября 2002, 19:44:09
Субъект: Re: Number of Moves
Good note. I'll change it.

26. Ноября 2002, 13:57:07
Субъект: Number of Moves
If I look at my own finished games, I can see the number of moves we made (last column). However, If I look at someone else's finished games, the last column shows the time limit (i.e. 1 day). Could that be changed to numbers of moves, please?

23. Ноября 2002, 13:25:38
Субъект: Re:
...or simply send your friend a message explaining why you declined...

23. Ноября 2002, 12:34:00
Yes, that's right. Sorry. I will fix it.

23. Ноября 2002, 03:26:46
eddie spaghetti 
Субъект: Re:
next time just leave the game sit on your main page till you have an open game most invites have 6 ,7 days etc...also if ya didnt wanna decline it use the back button it will stay on your main page...okey dokey...es

23. Ноября 2002, 00:55:49
Субъект: Re:
I just had a friend send me a game invite ( i am maxed at 20 games) all i could do was hit decline.. there was no box to explain why I couldnt take the game..

22. Ноября 2002, 19:50:11
Субъект: Re:
maybe im wrong.. Ill have to get someone to send me an invite as I am maxed out again.. i thought there was only the declie button.. no message box to write why I had todecline.. will get someone on that now an get back to you

22. Ноября 2002, 19:15:52
roserodeew: I think there is a message box at each game invitation, isn't it? I'll check it out [the "decline" behavior].
Master Web: Backgammon will be definitely before Sabotage :-)

22. Ноября 2002, 03:42:47
Mystery Man 
Субъект: Re: Sabotage
but.. but.. but.. but.. "F~E~N~C~E~R"...... Backgammon *first*..??? (big sigh) Okay, I guess... :-//

22. Ноября 2002, 00:20:00
decline.. is there anyway.. and I know im asking always for stuff.. but when a person is maxed out and cant accept a game invite.. it just gives the option to decline.. i dont want ppl to think im rude an just hit decline.. any way we can have a message box to explain why we have to decline as in my case I have no room left for games?

21. Ноября 2002, 20:46:34

21. Ноября 2002, 10:14:13
Субъект: new bottons
THX fencer for ur great job and the 5in a line looks much better . God bless u :)

21. Ноября 2002, 08:24:10
Eusi Paka 
Субъект: New Button
It works great(WebTV'r). Hey a new version of Battleship(Catchin'Cruisers is ok name use it if ya like, Fencer) or Hangman(the Chair-2 electrics) with loser losing his life, winner pulls the switch.

21. Ноября 2002, 07:37:31
Субъект: Sabotage
Yes, Sabotage is in my TODO list :-) I would like to add Backgammon first.

21. Ноября 2002, 07:08:38
Mystery Man 
Субъект: One Great Game!!!
Fencer.. was "Sabotage" on your "TO-DO" list..???? I think it was run by you once before, but not sure where you put it.. lol...

21. Ноября 2002, 01:28:49
Субъект: Re: thank you
I have to agree on both things.. the button idea and a big thanks to Fencer.. He works so hard to make us all happy! 3 cheers for Fencer!!!

21. Ноября 2002, 00:59:18
eddie spaghetti 
Субъект: thank you
great job on the button request fencer saves me some moves while catchin up pnly thing is it doesnt matter with my puter but with the button beside the others it makes the page wider i hope this doesnt mess up any webtvers etc its like when ya typoe a long msg and it keeps goin sideways it expands the page liek i said it doesnt bother me but not sure about others maybe the button could be put under the others...i knwo i know what more do they want besides a button haha sorry...just wanted ot let ya know and thank you for addin it..its nice to have a site where when people ask for something little...and they get it...thanxx

20. Ноября 2002, 20:59:49
Субъект: Re: players lists
I figured it out.. sorry to waste you time fencer.. i wasnt clickin on the name link.. TY for your help!

20. Ноября 2002, 20:59:03
Субъект: Re: players lists
I must be trying it wrong.. i see the order change from first signed up then u can change it to last signed up.. i dont see how it can change to list players alphabetically...

20. Ноября 2002, 20:27:54
Субъект: Re: players lists
It is already possible :-) The small green arrow at the top of the player list marks the column which is used for sorting. If you want to sort the list by another column, just click on the column title [membership, user name, ...]. Click again and the sorting direction will be reversed [the green arrow orientation will change].

20. Ноября 2002, 20:24:55
Субъект: players lists
I Hope I say this right.. a few of us are wondering if there is an easier way to see the player list data base.. right now players are listed by the date they joined the site.. so its hard for us to find friends ID's that may have joined.. would it be possible to have the list go by date of join or have the option to list players by ID alphabetically as well? just a thought

19. Ноября 2002, 08:09:33
Субъект: Re: RE: Options..
Yes, IYT supports these buttons and maybe it's not a bad idea. Okay, added to TODO list.

19. Ноября 2002, 05:39:11
Mystery Man 
Субъект: RE: Options..
I think what "sandman" (and eddy spaghetti) was talking about was to have an option ON each game to "Submit To Next Game" as ANOTHER... (continue below)

19. Ноября 2002, 05:33:51
Mystery Man 
Субъект: Re: Options.. "Fencer"
>submit option instead of just the "Submit To Main Page" or the "Submit And Stay" button.. YES, I too totally agree that this is needed.... hmmmmm, do you believe in cloneing yourself..? might be an option for keeping up!!! lol...

17. Ноября 2002, 16:59:27
Субъект: Re: 4 in line Board Colours
Yes, that's a good idea.

17. Ноября 2002, 00:20:24
Субъект: Re: Possibly a daft question but...
Thanks Fencer.:) - U also answered what was to be my next question/request.! lol

16. Ноября 2002, 23:41:33
wolf cub tony 
Субъект: Re: Options
I was playing liquid rev 6x6 score24-4 my favor he offered me a draw before yo fixed problem...funny thing site went wrong straight after he offered

16. Ноября 2002, 19:08:13
Субъект: 4 in line Board Colours
I notice that the 2 x 4 in line games ..
4 in line & Spider 4 in line ..
they both have the same background colours (PINK)
would it be possible for a colour change option so you can tell the TWO styles of play apart.

15. Ноября 2002, 17:52:05
Субъект: Re: Possibly a daft question but...
Maybe "Fencer-Working-Too-Much-And-Having-A-Permanent-Headache" ;-)

15. Ноября 2002, 17:51:19
Субъект: Re: Possibly a daft question but...
Ian: Not yet. It will be added :-)

15. Ноября 2002, 17:09:34
Субъект: Re: Possibly a daft question but...
ROFL..Fencer..how about naming you Santa Fencer?? :)

15. Ноября 2002, 15:56:07
Субъект: Possibly a daft question but...
Is there a Anti-Backgammon game.?

15. Ноября 2002, 09:39:43
Backgammon will be added.

15. Ноября 2002, 04:53:36
Субъект: Re: backgammon
would like to see backgammon on this site love that game

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