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10. Апреля 2010, 13:36:33
Субъект: Re: You gotta love Palin. Obama takes the bait and loses
(V): you mean like the President of Iran?

31. Марта 2010, 06:20:19
Субъект: Re:
Ferris Bueller: Well here is the first post in the thread, and as you can plainly see, it is aimed at airport security, it is the side of people who do not like profiling at airports that has changed the subject to domestic profiling by citing those examples as non muslim terorist attacts which no one is denying

Subject: Interesting item. Maybe we should do as Israel does.
Modified by Artful Dodger (27. March 2010, 12:57:51)
March 27, 2010
Airport worker caught in body scanner abuse
Thomas Lifson

That didn't take long. Human nature (male variety) remains constant. The BBC reports:

A Heathrow Airport security guard was given a police warning after he was allegedly caught staring at images of a female colleague in a body scanner.

Israel manages to overcome the most threatening environment for airline terrorism in the world by use
of profiling, but in the United States, thanks to political correctness, we insist on considering elderly grandmothers from Iowa a threat as serious as the Detroit crotch bomber.

As a result, attractive females can expect to be ogled at airports. Sorry, ladies. PC strikes again.

31. Марта 2010, 05:06:05
Субъект: Re:what I am telling you is that domestic terrorist have an agenda against governments and groups, not to strike fear into people who fly,
(V): The point is being completely missed or rather turned off topic, domestic idiots are not targeting the airports, muslim terorist are, period!!!! That is a fact that cannot be disputed and is the subject of this debate. What happens internally has nothing to do with it and any attempt do to so is simply an attempt to skirt the issue.
The topic is PROFILING AT AIRPORTS. If you want to change the subject that is fine but they must not be lumped together like apples and oranges

30. Марта 2010, 23:42:17
Субъект: Re:what I am telling you is that domestic terrorist have an agenda against governments and groups, not to strike fear into people who fly,
Сделано для Vikings (30. Марта 2010, 23:43:33)
(V): Anthrax was sent to Government officials not to grandma's house, Timothy Mc Vey bombed a Federal building, not Joe at the corner grocery store, The white supremacists were going to target a local official, not Bob the accountant whereas terrorist blowing up airplanes want to kill grandma, Bob and Joe, I am not afraid for my wife flying from these people, they have no wish to harm her but I do worry about her flying because of the foriegn/muslim terrorist, because she is exactly who they wish to harm,
as far as being upset about being profiled, I used to get profiled because of my looks, I understood it and I lived with it, as long as I wasn't doing anything wrong I wasn't worried

30. Марта 2010, 23:07:40
Субъект: Re:
(V): no, what I am telling you is that domestic terrorist have an agenda against governments and groups, not to strike fear into people who fly,
for example, Timmothy McVey-The government
Bruce Edwards-The government
The recent suprimist group- their local government to start with

suicide bombers on airplains-the people

30. Марта 2010, 12:18:31
What do Timithy McVey, Bruce Edwards and the idiot white supremacists all have in common?
None of them have attempted to take down an airplane and therefore are completely irreverent to this conversation.

Remember the original basis for this debate was profiling on airplanes, not internal security.

23. Марта 2010, 02:18:00
Субъект: Re:
Bernice: yes

23. Марта 2010, 01:47:22
Субъект: Re:
Bernice: states can opt out of this health care plan by invoking the 10th amendment, I believe that 8 have already and mine will if the incumbent loses in november

23. Марта 2010, 01:10:39
Сделано для Vikings (23. Марта 2010, 01:11:33)
there is supposedly a line in the amendment that does not allow for a repeal for 25 years, but since no ones knows for sure as to what they voted for accordingly to Pelosi, we will have to wait to see

19. Марта 2010, 00:42:03
Субъект: Re: "Most deviations in the texts are grammatical or omissions." How can you possibly be so sure of this assertion with over 5K copies done by hand? In addition there was at least 75 yrs of oral before anything was written down.
Bernice: the time of day the light is available changes by 1 hour with the time change, for example sunrise is at 6:00 a.m. and sunset is at 7:00 p.m. and then the time changes and sunrise is at 7:00 a.m. and sunset is at 8:00 p.m.

14. Марта 2010, 01:07:48
I am going to moderate all post for a while until things cool down a bit, any remarks that don't specifically relate to the political topic will either be moderated or deleted without notice until further notice

7. Марта 2010, 10:11:21
Субъект: Re: Ok, so without your usual nonsense when challenged, how about you make your best case to support the above assertion?
(V): Uhm, I.m still waiting for that well run government system, instead of you changing the point

7. Марта 2010, 02:43:15
Субъект: Re:
Tuesday: Today, there are aprox 25,000 Poler bears where as in the 1970's there were only about 5,000. and they can swim for miles, so these images are just another part of the global warming hoax

7. Марта 2010, 00:31:47
Субъект: Re: Ok, so without your usual nonsense when challenged, how about you make your best case to support the above assertion?
(V): I also noticed how you steered away from social network systems

7. Марта 2010, 00:30:37
Субъект: Re: Ok, so without your usual nonsense when challenged, how about you make your best case to support the above assertion?
Pedro Martínez: agreed, especially when it comes to federal judges

7. Марта 2010, 00:25:33
Субъект: Re: Ok, so without your usual nonsense when challenged, how about you make your best case to support the above assertion?
Сделано для Vikings (7. Марта 2010, 00:26:45)
(V): well, lets answer these, shall we
The FBI, do you remember a thing called 9-11, the FBI and other law agencies refused to share information and I don't think I have to remind you what happened, real efficient
NASA, just this week they have scrapped the moon missions, but they are not scrapping the money that has been appropriated for it, now the head of NASA is in bed with the global warming bunkist.
police, well that is a local issue not a federal issue
taxes, funny how you seem to forget that many of the administration have evaded paying their taxes including the secretary of the Treasury, oh yea , have you ever tried reading a tax code

I am still waiting for a legitimate answer

6. Марта 2010, 23:00:54
Субъект: Re: Ok, so without your usual nonsense when challenged, how about you make your best case to support the above assertion?
Сделано для Vikings (6. Марта 2010, 23:01:33)
(V): Name one American government system other than the military that is run efficiently

6. Марта 2010, 06:56:58
Субъект: Re: Some of Sarah Palin's "ideas".
Ferris Bueller: The Michael Moore movie being endorsed by the Huffington Post right above it says it all

6. Марта 2010, 01:14:43
Субъект: Re:
Artful Dodger:The word " Ignorance" is one thing, but the word "Ignorant" is personal and is not needed

5. Марта 2010, 02:24:23
Субъект: Re:
(V): .. "why do you need an arsenal of 50 firearms?"..... ".. our govenment is plotting aginst me"

This is precisely why the amendment was put in the constitution

5. Марта 2010, 02:22:41
Субъект: Re:I think people ought to be able to own a gun. It's a right and should be honored.
Artful Dodger: The definition of the militia in the Iowa constitution and I am paraphrasing because it's been a while since I have read it is, All citizens between the ages of 14 and 60

4. Марта 2010, 03:36:33
Субъект: Re:
Vikings: by the way, how did that gun controll work out for Germany?

4. Марта 2010, 03:34:38
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для Vikings (4. Марта 2010, 03:35:07)
Pedro Martínez: absolutely!!!, the constitution was set up to protect the people from the tyranny of the government, but it has been perverted to the point that we are now at the mercy of the tyrannic government.
The constitution is all about FREEDOM and that cannot be outdated

4. Марта 2010, 02:33:32
Субъект: Re:
Pedro Martínez: The problem with people that make ridiculous claims such as this is that they look at what the constitution says and make a general statement like yours, what they fail to overlook is that is such a thing as "original intent", nuclear weapons are obviously not what the original intent had in mind, in fact the original intent was for the people to protect them selves from the governments and a nuclear weapon would negate that purpose

3. Марта 2010, 23:18:38
Субъект: Re:
Pedro Martínez: there is no responsible use for a private citizen to have a nuclear weapon, there are multiple responsible uses for guns however, so your comment is apples to oranges

21. Февраля 2010, 22:29:09
kinda like a man who thinks their are 57 states shouldn't be president

28. Декабря 2009, 03:16:29
Субъект: Re: political correctness
Artful Dodger: did you remember that it is a "Festavus for the rest of us"?

14. Декабря 2009, 02:05:31
Субъект: Re: MODERATORS.....
Bernice: He is not banned on this board nor does he have any site restrictions that I can see.
I removed aprox. 25 post as I described below that I would

14. Декабря 2009, 01:40:46
Субъект: Also
If anybody has a problem with a post, the best way to handle it is to bring it up to me or another global moderator, and put the person who offends you on hide

14. Декабря 2009, 01:37:58
Субъект: And all I wanted to do is have a get togather with my daughter
Please keep the conversation on topic, do not get personal or flame, failure to do so will result in posts having to be approved for a while.

Also don't be upset if some messages dissapear, I think I need to clan it up a little, except for the ducky song of coarse

26. Сентября 2009, 18:31:24
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для Vikings (26. Сентября 2009, 18:32:19)
Übergeek 바둑이: "Mexicans are trying to conquer American culture"
That is a point of view by many Mexicans as well, they openly proclaim taking over the southwest. look up the meaning of La Raza. Flying the mexican flag over the American flag here is wrong, if you don't think so, go to Mexico and fly a Canadian flag over a Mexican flag and see what happens, there would be no need for ANY public opinion of the subject.
As far as Obama not being able to sling mud, do you really think Carter called 50% of Americans racist without Obamas knowing it? neive I say
And finaly if you are not able to express yourself then I feel sorry for you, where was the outrage when the left demonstrates and makes up claims ie. if you elect him black churches will burn?

26. Сентября 2009, 16:46:24
Субъект: Re: hey break the law by crossing the border improperly.
(V): there is nothing racist about not wanting someone breaking into my house and taking what I have worked for and the police saying tough live with it. I don't care what race is breaking in I just don't want to be stolen from, same as I dont care if the president is pink with purple polka dots, I don't want him destroying my childrens lives

26. Сентября 2009, 03:13:41
Субъект: Re:
gogul: Acorn is corruption at the core of our government whether or not anybody is tied into it.
and U.S. the a word is considered swearing whereas idiot is just name calling unless you are talking about mentally challenged people, in that context it would be taboo

26. Сентября 2009, 02:59:21
Субъект: Re: the main point is that people attack him to distract from the point
Artful Dodger: it's the linda trip suit. Basicly (and I am no lawyer) in Maryland, both parties have to be notified in a private conversation that there is an audio recording, the key here is the word "private", and is the reason that acorn will lose if they indeed file, currently no papers have been served, it's just that acorn has "said" that they will sue. Anyway, there were about 20 people in the same room as that conversation and therefore it was not a "private" conversation

26. Сентября 2009, 02:14:57
Субъект: Re: Glenn Beck
Pedro Martínez: but all illegal immigrants are outlaws by definition, because it is illegal to come here illegally, .
All kidding aside there are exceptions I will concede,as there are with almost any arguement, but overall most of those exceptions will originate from one of those three categories.

I get your point, I used to say that Beck is a little too much of an alarmist, but in time what he says proves to be true

I think the main point is that people attack him to distract from the point that they don't like the facts that he points out. ie argue about Beck and ignore the acorn coruption and maybe it will all go away.
Its the same way with the tea parties, ague that they are a mob and ignore their wishes, even tho it was patriotic when there were demonstrations against Bush's policies

26. Сентября 2009, 01:33:37
Субъект: Re: Glenn Beck
Сделано для Vikings (26. Сентября 2009, 01:37:12)
Pedro Martínez: your first point proves my point, the kids come over to reunify with their parents who came here because "they couldn't make a living under their in their own dirtbag country". Call it a tomato or call it a tomato but that is what the story that YOU refer to says, on a side note it proves that even poor people know that they would be better off under a capitalistic society.
as far as your population point, I was referring to it from the viewpoint of the other side than you, I'll have to do some research but I tend to think that it falls into the "can't make a living..." as I believe that I have heard that most countries(with the exception of Asian countries) are not sustainable under their current growth rate.

As far as the gay couples, thats a whole other debate as our immigration laws (even tho they are not followed properly) have reasons for letting or not letting people in. And it is not bigotry

26. Сентября 2009, 00:47:22
Субъект: Re: Glenn Beck
Pedro Martínez: well family reunification wouldn't be illegal, and there is a legal means for population immigration and poverty falls under "can't make a living under their own dirtbag country" so I'll still be waiting for a legitimate reason

26. Сентября 2009, 00:20:45
Субъект: Re: Glenn Beck
Übergeek 바둑이: can you name one more legitimate reason that doesn't fall under one of those 3 catagories?
Remember the key word is Illegal

25. Сентября 2009, 22:50:56
thanks to the multitudes of people that pointed out that I missed a word, I'm glad you all have my back

12. Сентября 2009, 15:57:46
Субъект: Re:
(V): well since you can't (or don't want to) believe what you see in front of your own eyes. and since HE HAS SUBMITTED NO PLAN. All there is left for proof that is in the house bill. which has in it that no one can join a private group the year that that the bill is instated, I've seen it,and since the bill is thousands of pages long and I don't want to spend my football saturday finding more proof that you will ignore, I;m done, I've proved it, you ignored it

12. Сентября 2009, 15:29:24
Субъект: Re:
Сделано для Vikings (12. Сентября 2009, 15:29:54)
(V): what part of in his own words is "private insurance will be out of business in 10-20 years don't you understand, this is and has always been his goal. It doesn't matter if you listen to the entirety of his talks, he still lied thursday, the only context you don't like is the fact that you have been proven wrong.
His entire speech was a lie and a balloon and I or anyone who opens their eyes can see and prove it

12. Сентября 2009, 14:54:33

12. Сентября 2009, 14:35:54
Субъект: Re: Absolute rubbish. He was ELECTED by the people of America on the basis of his policies as stated before the election.
(V): Where's his plan? the whole thing was lies and balloons, HE HAS SUBMITTED NOTHING


12. Сентября 2009, 14:02:09
Субъект: Re: Absolute rubbish. He was ELECTED by the people of America on the basis of his policies as stated before the election.
(V): you missed the point, HE LIED is the point.

And by the way can you point out anywhere he has submitted any plan or bill. no you can't because he hasn't. His entire speech was a trial balloon and that's it

12. Сентября 2009, 13:50:14
Субъект: Re: Absolute rubbish. He was ELECTED by the people of America on the basis of his policies as stated before the election.
(V): and Obama clearly stated in the past that when a government option would be instated that the private insurance would be put out of business in time, therefore he LIED to the people in his speach.

10. Сентября 2009, 23:34:38
Субъект: Re: The man had done nothing but ram policies down the American's throat without anybody knowing what they are, he has listened to NOBODY,
Сделано для Vikings (11. Сентября 2009, 00:46:56)
(V): Wasn't Acorn around when Bush was in power??

Bush wasn't their lawyer

What is your problem in having a cheaper healthcare system, that covers you better??

It will be cheaper - that is a lie
It won't cover illegal aliens-that is a lie
there won't be death pannels-that is a lie
services won't be cut-that is a lie
it won't add to the deficit-that is a lie
you can keep your private insurance-that is a lie

you like your health service then you keep it, it is amazing how you want everybody on it but you know you have your issues about your own healthcare , and everything that everybody points out to you is wrong with it is either "a few bad apples" or "were fighting for it". as for me when my baby was born with holes in his heart and not breathing, the specialist were in the room for him before he was completely out of the birth cannel,
nobody had to check a computor data base to see what they could do and my PRIVATE insurance took care of it all
you keep your crap

10. Сентября 2009, 23:03:21
Субъект: Acorn, no they are not corrupt
let's see who has the guts to watch this video


10. Сентября 2009, 22:53:45
Субъект: What Plan
Last nights speech was nothing but a huge trial balloon, the fact is 'Bama still has summit ed no plan or bill, can anybody prove me wrong?

10. Сентября 2009, 22:50:28
Субъект: Re: this whole thing will undo his Presidency
Сделано для Vikings (10. Сентября 2009, 22:55:33)
Übergeek 바둑이: Bush inherited high unemployment and the fallout of high taxes, 3 major hurricanes and 911, yes like all politicians he spent where I wouldn't have but I'll give him a little bit of a break,
Bush also had transparency,unlike 'Bama, with domestic issues, maybe you forgot that he appointed Kennedy to front the no child left behind
And the biggest deficit in history now belongs to 'Bama

10. Сентября 2009, 22:42:11
Субъект: Re: The man had done nothing but ram policies down the American's throat without anybody knowing what they are, he has listened to NOBODY,
(V): he was elected on the promise of giving everybody who made under 250,000 a tax cut, in fact all he had done is run up the deficit 4 times in 6 months as to what bush did and he had a war, and now that he has rammed this foolish spending down everybody's throat the democrats themselves are divided about him,check the polls, he has the second fastest rate of fallen poll numbers since they have been recorded, he will go down in history as the best presidential failure.
If a democrat is elected then so be it but don't take that as a blank check to do whatever without being questioned. democrats and independents are waking up now

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