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 Missing people

This board can be used as a missing folks board for people who are away from the site for a period of time. This rpobably would mean a month or longer.

If anyone has info on some one who hasn't been at the site for some time please let others know. The original intent of this board was to get and give info on missing people after Katrina and Rita hit the US..

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    << <   8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17   > >>
    25. Dezembro 2006, 02:17:31
    Assunto: Re: Nightstorm
    furbster: I have been trying to email him and he is not writing back. If I hear of anything I will surely let you know. I really hope he is ok, I am getting very worried about him.

    24. Dezembro 2006, 00:02:25
    Radiant2008 :-) 
    Assunto: Beloved of God,
    Modificado por Radiant2008 :-) (24. Dezembro 2006, 00:06:49)
    I am so sorry I left so unexpectedly and sudden; but at that time I had to later I was just too busy to come back on again..

    Someone dear to me considered to provide me a Bishop membership and now im back on here until Feb 23!!

    Please can you forgive me for just leaving with out a word of goodbye... i know its not sensitive... :-( Really sorry for all of you that were worried over me.. I am happy and grateful to see you all!

    This has been a great and unexpected Christmas Gift afterall and may God bless you in abundance and beyond;



    16. Dezembro 2006, 02:03:41
    Assunto: Re:
    Pedro Martínez: LMAO

    16. Dezembro 2006, 00:49:57
    Adaptable Ali 

    15. Dezembro 2006, 17:18:08
    Assunto: Re:
    Pedro Martínez: Oh you are hilarious

    15. Dezembro 2006, 15:21:22
    Pedro Martínez 
    Anybody heard of bumble? He hasn't been here for a while...

    15. Dezembro 2006, 00:41:24
    Assunto: Re: Nightstorm
    alexlee: You can always go in to a persons post (because you are the mod) and edit their post to put the link in.. I was a bit confused on your post also for a sec. I clicked your link thinking it was taking me to some info on him. lol

    15. Dezembro 2006, 00:22:12
    Assunto: Re: Nightstorm
    lol, yes I know he did, I was just posting the link to the profile.

    14. Dezembro 2006, 21:02:13
    Assunto: Re: Nightstorm
    Dolittle: lol I'm sure he did too!
    I dont know anyone beside Midnightmedic who would know his email to see if he is ok. Maybe someone else on here who knows him that well could email or call to see if he is ok?

    14. Dezembro 2006, 20:47:49
    Assunto: Re: Nightstorm
    alexlee: I think he means physically where he is!

    14. Dezembro 2006, 14:07:59
    Assunto: Re: Nightstorm

    14. Dezembro 2006, 14:00:50
    Assunto: Nightstorm
    does anybody know where he is or if he's ok? hasn't been online for a while now and has times out in a lot of his games.

    29. Novembro 2006, 23:29:33
    Assunto: Re: When posting looking for a member
    alexlee: and xmas is soon:

    thanks to you both.

    29. Novembro 2006, 22:21:55
    Adaptable Ali 
    Assunto: Re: purplehawke
    Nirvana: She is very busy at work at the moment, and is finding it hard to commit her time to this site. I hope this answers your question.

    29. Novembro 2006, 18:10:44
    Assunto: When posting looking for a member
    It may help if you add a link to the memebers profile? Now I hope this works lol.

    29. Novembro 2006, 15:49:06
    Assunto: purplehawke
    Anyone know what happened to purplehawke? Her games are all timing out and I was wondering if she's OK or not?

    25. Novembro 2006, 03:13:40
    Assunto: Re:
    xmas is soon: Nope

    25. Novembro 2006, 02:29:29
    Adaptable Ali 
    Does anybody know the whereabouts of UNINVITED, he hasnt been on for a month now, which is very unusual, a terrific player and friend

    12. Novembro 2006, 02:07:34
    Assunto: Re:
    Pbarb2: if you run across Josetta again please give her a big hug and my best wishes :)

    12. Novembro 2006, 01:15:39
    Assunto: Re:
    Pbarb2: the pleasure has been mine

    And thanks for the update on Josetta : )

    11. Novembro 2006, 23:34:13
    Assunto: Re:
    baddessi: Hi to you .. and thanks for being a great friend, Barb.

    11. Novembro 2006, 23:32:03
    Assunto: Re:
    SueQ: and Groucho..I saw Josetta on my IM today and we had a chat. She is ok just not coming back to BK ..She is also very busy with things she has been involved in. She told me to tell all her friends she misses them all.. Hugs and kisses to all. Not to worry she is ok.

    11. Novembro 2006, 17:25:30
    Assunto: Re:

    11. Novembro 2006, 17:24:10
    Assunto: Re:
    Dark Vamp: Thank you.. I will be leaving again.. Hope to get back by Feb. full time if all goes well with my 2nd surgery. I will try to keep up with most of my games as a Pawn..I will not renew at this time.

    11. Novembro 2006, 02:31:55
    Dark Vamp 
    Assunto: Re:
    Pbarb2: You me dear is a fixture here at BK and am in my prayers

    24. Outubro 2006, 02:16:16
    Assunto: Re: has any one heard from
    alexlee: thanx

    22. Outubro 2006, 06:50:18
    Assunto: Re: has any one heard from
    Last played here was October 6th. He probably will time out, already has in others.

    22. Outubro 2006, 05:47:04
    Assunto: has any one heard from
    demonviper. i have a stairs game against him and i don't want to win because a timeout

    14. Outubro 2006, 23:08:20
    It's been over a month since Josetta(RoseOfSharon/Radiant Aunt) has logged on. Anyone know how she is doing??

    12. Setembro 2006, 06:16:56
    What has happened to Pixie?

    11. Setembro 2006, 06:18:17
    Papa Zoom 
    Assunto: Re:
    Fiona:  I think I just noticed that she logged on today :)  I wrote her  :)

    10. Setembro 2006, 07:58:47
    Assunto: Re:
    Modificado por Pbarb2 (10. Setembro 2006, 07:59:35)
    Maxxina: I am here but did go away for a week. The 25th I will be having surgery so will not be on for awhile. Thanks for thinking of me.

    9. Setembro 2006, 22:12:16
    Assunto: Re:
    Groucho: I know she has changed her ID to RoseOfSharon but hasnt logged on for a few weeks now


    8. Setembro 2006, 18:27:20
    Adaptable Ali 
    Assunto: Re:
    Groucho: I have not come across that person on here sweetie, sorry.

    8. Setembro 2006, 03:23:55
    Papa Zoom 
    Anyone hear from Josetta?  

    7. Setembro 2006, 03:40:18
    Assunto: Re: basplund
    Modificado por alanback (7. Setembro 2006, 03:40:38)

    a partially completed match.

    6. Setembro 2006, 19:48:54
    Assunto: basplund
    Modificado por alanback (8. Setembro 2006, 17:58:41)
    Anybody know where he is?  He just timed out in 1 game.

    He's back!

    2. Setembro 2006, 22:20:42
    Assunto: Re: Regarding Harley
    King Reza: I'll have to check with her next time I ring.

    2. Setembro 2006, 20:32:54
    King Reza 
    Assunto: Re: Regarding Harley
    heavenlyemma:And, say hi to her for me too!  Tell her her, if it's OK with you, that I have e-mailed her several times, but haven't received any replies recently.  I was going to send her a package, but wasn't sure if she lives were she used to.  So I need a 'confirmation!'  Thanks.

    1. Setembro 2006, 18:16:02
    Assunto: florin
    florin, an excellent backgammon pawn, just timed out in a match - I hope he is well.

    1. Setembro 2006, 17:49:24
    Assunto: Re: Regarding Harley
    heavenlyemma: thanks for letting us know, Emma. Please let her know that I miss her very, very much!

    1. Setembro 2006, 16:58:37
    Assunto: Re: Regarding Harley
    chattytea: Ok no problem

    1. Setembro 2006, 10:29:42
    Assunto: Re: Regarding Harley
    heavenlyemma: Thanks for that Emma. Please give her my regards when you next speak, and Chelsea too xxxx

    31. Agosto 2006, 21:23:53
    Assunto: Regarding Harley
    Just to let you all know I've just spoken to her on the phone and she's ok. Just she doesn't want to come back to BK ever for her own reasons.

    27. Agosto 2006, 04:39:25
    Assunto: Re:
    Nirvana: We're one big family. Glad you're better.

    27. Agosto 2006, 04:15:21
    Assunto: Re:

    Er, yes. But I'm OK~ish now, thanks, I think. Sorry to have worried a few people.

    26. Agosto 2006, 18:00:38
    Assunto: Re:
    Maxxina: she had some medical issues that will keep her away for a short time

    26. Agosto 2006, 09:12:50
    Assunto: Re:
    Maxxina: i think she said she was going on vacation

    25. Agosto 2006, 23:00:10
    Does anzbodz know what is with Pbarb2 ? Dont be hre for a while :(

    25. Agosto 2006, 18:49:55
    Assunto: Re:
    Dark Vamp: You mean, since her post below?

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