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24. december 2007, 20:23:50
,Merry xmas an a very prosperous new year 2 u all..

24. december 2007, 00:34:12
Foxy Lady 
Onderwerp: Re: Nice touch having snow capped peaks
Jim Dandy: Go for it.

23. december 2007, 19:57:19
The Col 
Onderwerp: Re: Nice touch having snow capped peaks
Fencer: Good question,other than a simple cute and paste,I'm pretty computer illiterate.

23. december 2007, 13:52:10

23. december 2007, 12:28:54
Onderwerp: Re: Nice touch having snow capped peaks
Jim Dandy: Yes, great idea. And who will make this animated picture?

23. december 2007, 11:42:11
Foxy Lady 
Onderwerp: Re: Nice touch having snow capped peaks
Jim Dandy:

23. december 2007, 04:05:06
Baked Alaskan 
Onderwerp: Re: Nice touch having snow capped peaks
Jim Dandy:

Great Idea  

22. december 2007, 18:26:43
The Col 
Onderwerp: Nice touch having snow capped peaks
I wonder if we could replace the dragon with santa and his raindeer for a few days,or maybe just slip a santa hat on him

22. december 2007, 11:39:01
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
alanback: well coan.net already mentioned it .. but a bit cryptic as he said he had his weekend set to tuesday :)

i always switch my weekend to the days most profitable before i leave on a vacation (this vacation sat. and sun. are the best days for me as i leave early sunday morning and come back on sunday

i always let automatic vacation take care of the first few days of my absence (as my opponent might not have moved .. and that way i save some vacation days :))

21. december 2007, 18:50:59
Onderwerp: Re: Interviews board
Hrqls & alanback: Yes, i never thought of it

I should come here more often

21. december 2007, 18:44:05
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
Hrqls:  Excellent idea about the weekend.  

21. december 2007, 10:04:30
Onderwerp: Re: Interviews board
Fencer: it is in my favourite boards now .. dont know what went wrong yesterday .. maybe it was my cache (although i never had that problem with firefox) ... it kept giving me the link 'add this board to your favourites' and didnt switch to 'remove this board from your favourites' .. the board didnt show up in my list of favourites either

ah well .. maybe i should have done a manual refresh .. i dont think i tried that :)

its working now .. thats the good thing! :)

21. december 2007, 10:01:37
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
MadMonkey: you could set your weekend to tuesday and wednesday .. that way christmas andthe 1st of january would be covered

personally i think 35 vacation days per year are more than enough .. i even am not in favor of people buying extra vacation days .. although its a good income for brainking it also favors the rich people which unbalances the world enough already :)

it would be a good habit to set christmas as a vacation day at the start of the year already

maybe its a good idea to turn of automatic vacation days .. that way you wont use a whole vacation day to prevent 1 single game from timing out and you might have more days spare at the end of the year which can be used to prevent more games from timing out

as everyone said we had 30 vacation days per year, then christmas became an ordinary day and we got 5 extra vacation days per year .. so in fact we got 3 more days per year (i think)

if we go with fixed holidays again then i want 1 for my birthday as well and for queensday .. as i cant play on those days either :)

21. december 2007, 01:30:21
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
AbigailII: Its funny... i think most people seem to play more from work than from home, so a holiday off from work is not a good thing for so many people!

21. december 2007, 01:14:34
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
AbigailII:  I'm in favor of giving you all the vacation days you want, if that will put you in a more generous mood ;-)

21. december 2007, 01:07:27
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
Puckish: I do get off with Christmas, and I don't have to go to work. Which means, I can play. I don't play from the office - perhaps Fencer should give me 225 extra vacation days.

21. december 2007, 01:00:56
Onderwerp: Re: message Box
nodnarbo: LOL, yeah, I can't disagree with you. Now that you mention it, I think it would make more sense too. Never really thought about it before.

21. december 2007, 00:55:48
Onderwerp: Re: message Box
rod03801: um...yea...well...I was kinda afraid of that cause this isn't the first time something like this has happened...I still think they should still be on the left side though

21. december 2007, 00:48:45
Onderwerp: Re: message Box
nodnarbo: Do you mean the boxes on the main message list, to put a tick mark in, to delete or save or whatever? Because mine have always been over on the right hand side of it.

21. december 2007, 00:45:19
Onderwerp: message Box
So, I went to my message box today, and the boxes to select messages are now after the message instead of before. has anyone else noticed this, because I find it annoying that it's suddenly moved...

21. december 2007, 00:22:45
The Col 
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
or2ak.com: ok,mark me down with the group who feel the extra 5 days is enough

21. december 2007, 00:16:29
Baked Alaskan 
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
Jim Dandy:

(or2ak.com: Let me get this straight.You are saying we as players should not recieve an extra perk based on the principal of equality?
Isn't that cutting off your ear to spite your nose?)

Fencer already gave us 5 extra vacation days...  That was the perk 

21. december 2007, 00:12:25
The Col 
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
Puckish: Hanukkah was a poor example,the only people who consider it a big event are non-Jews.I think people feel since it falls near Christmas it must be of parallel importance,it's not.

21. december 2007, 00:09:50
Baked Alaskan 
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays

(or2ak.com: Im pretty sure that even if you dont celebrate
Christmas, it is still a holiday for you, and most people have it as a
day off from work?)

I dont celebrate and no, I dont get the day off.

All I'm saying is I agree with Fencer and others that we have enough vacation days. Use them wisely throuout the year 

21. december 2007, 00:07:37
The Col 
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
rod03801: Yes,the extra 5 days should cover everyones personal faith days.

20. december 2007, 23:57:42
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
Jim Dandy: But as has been mentioned, when Fencer ended site holidays, he added 5 vacation days to the standard amount that rooks receive. Seems fair enough to me. We really are given plenty of vacation, in my eyes.

20. december 2007, 23:57:20
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
or2ak.com: Im pretty sure that even if you dont celebrate Christmas, it is still a holiday for you, and most people have it as a day off from work?

I am certain that Hanukkah is not a holiday for most people where they get the time off from work etc...

20. december 2007, 23:52:16
The Col 
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
Rose: Maybe because Channukah is a minor holiday in the Jewish calander.Now if you mentioned Yom Kippur.......

20. december 2007, 23:44:18
The Col 
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
or2ak.com: Let me get this straight.You are saying we as players should not recieve an extra perk based on the principal of equality?
Isn't that cutting off your ear to spite your nose?

20. december 2007, 23:34:51
Baked Alaskan 
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays

I agree, should be no holiday time off except for using vacation days.
Not everyone celebrates christmas and no extra time should be added.

20. december 2007, 23:15:32
I am not quite sure how the vacation system works....

Question, if I use a few of my own personal holidays and mark them as vacation days with what I have been allotted with my membership, does the amount of my vacation days left to use get cut by the same amount of days?

I think thats how it works, so Mad Monkey et.al. can take a few of their vacation days at the beginning of the year and mark their holidays, like Christmas time, as vacations, and then even if they use the auto vacation option, they will never run below enough to cover the ones they already have set.... if I understand how it works correctly?

20. december 2007, 22:49:33
joshi tm 
There are (except for New Year's Eve) no site vacation days anymore. Therefore Fencer bestowed each membership 5 extra vacation days.

20. december 2007, 22:38:14
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
MadMonkey: We got extra vacation days/year to compensate for the fact that there's to block out period for holidays. Considering this is an international site, time outs would hardly happen if for every holiday somewhere time control is disabled for that day.

Of course, Christmas is only a "problem" for people who 1) don't have holidays left, 2) play games with a time control of 24hours/move or less, 3) aren't taking the time to move on Christmas, and 4) actually have to move that day. Considering that a combination of 1) and 2) is bad anytime, not only at Christmas, I'd say that it's just bad planning, and rules shouldn't be reinstated because of that.

20. december 2007, 20:38:31
Onderwerp: Re: Interviews board
Hrqls: Nothing special, you should be able to do it.

20. december 2007, 20:35:54
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
Rose:  What's unfair about it?  No one has a vested right in the time system.  It exists to keep the games moving along at a certain pace.  At a time of year when many people of all religions pause to relax and reflect, it's entirely appropriate to offer this opportunity.  If some games finish a few days later than they otherwise would have, what of it?  This site is for leisure, after all.

I have no personal interest in this as I have plenty of vacation days left and don't accept games that don't allow vacation.  I just think it would be a nice thing to do.

20. december 2007, 20:32:02
Onderwerp: Re: Interviews board
Hrqls: I have it added - added it before the first post.

Do you have the link near the top of board to add it?


When you click it, what does it do? If you then see the "(remove from favourite boards)" - it might just be a few minutes before your favourite board list is updated to include that board.

20. december 2007, 20:25:13
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
alanback:  I dont think that  would be fair to the many hundreds of people here that dont celebrate that Christian Holiday. I didnt see any one ask for time controls shut off during the start of Channukah.. 

20. december 2007, 20:22:15
Onderwerp: Interviews board
Aangepast door Hrqls (20. december 2007, 20:22:35)
Fencer: i cant add the interview board to my favourite boards .. is this board something special ?

20. december 2007, 19:35:58
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
MadMonkey:  It would be good of Fencer to shut off time control from, say, Xmas Eve to New Year's Day.  

20. december 2007, 19:24:32
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
WellyWales & coan.net: I think this should be looked into again myself

I (like others) have no vacation days left, BUT do not really want to have to (but would love to pop on) come on line Xmas Day

When i added 6 months to my membership this year i did not even think about Xmas, now i have no days left to use, or apart from buying MORE membership can not get any more, thats why i requested a while ago about the ability to buy and 'X' amount per year if needed , after all, its still money for BrainKing

The site should be more flexible when things like this come about.
We have a site action for the month about buying membership and getting extra for what you pay, which is great if you have spare money at this time of year. Sadly, like MANY others i do not, as family etc... have to come first this time of year

I will mention more in my interview

Xmas should be a time for people to be happy, have fun, relax, hopefully be with family, play games if they have time BUT NOT be made to feel they have to be here, as much as we love the site

PLEASE Fencer, lets keep saying

20. december 2007, 15:34:35
Onderwerp: Re: Xmas Holidays
WellyWales: I do not believe there are any site holidays anymore. Instead of site holidays (since many people celebrate different holidays), most members have plenty of vacation days to use if needed.


(I'm not 100% sure since I have Tuesday set as one of my weekend days, but if it was a site holiday, it would not give you the option to set a vacation day.)

20. december 2007, 14:35:54
Onderwerp: Xmas Holidays
Are Xmas Day, boxing days and New Years day, set holidays or do we need to tick them...... I cannot see it mentioned anywhere

17. december 2007, 20:18:01
Onderwerp: Re: Interviews
MadMonkey: I've already suggested it to Fencer, along with some other improvements. If you have any suggestions for the interviews system, please post them at the new Interviews board (since this subject has just become off-topic here, now that the other board exists) and I'll forward them to Fencer.

17. december 2007, 20:13:44

17. december 2007, 20:09:55
Onderwerp: Re: Interviews
pauloaguia: hmmmm, i think you as you are the main contact person, SHOULD be able to have those options, OR it could be open to abuse

17. december 2007, 19:46:44
Onderwerp: Interviews board
Aangepast door pauloaguia (17. december 2007, 19:47:00)
I just found out about a new board that was created for discussing interviews. People that like to follow up on this subject can now visit the new Interviews board.

17. december 2007, 19:12:27
Onderwerp: Re: Interviews
MadMonkey: No. The author can edit the question but that's all (at least for now).

17. december 2007, 18:40:47
Onderwerp: Re: Interviews
Eriisa: coan.net is right.

17. december 2007, 16:39:37
Onderwerp: Re: Interviews
Eriisa: Pbarb was the person before MadMonkey - so I believe that is in the "answer" stage - that is if she goes to that page, she should be able to add the answers.

17. december 2007, 16:14:18
Onderwerp: Re: Interviews
Fencer: Why does Pbarb have questions, but I cannot add one?

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