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Valvoja(t): Gabriel Almeida , david upshaw 

Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.

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12. Heinäkuu 2011, 14:10:47
Otsikko: Re:
Stardust: Some of the best players can't do well at Giveaway checkers and some very poor players excel at Giveaway. I can't really understand why it is.

9. Heinäkuu 2011, 12:45:19
Otsikko: Re:
Stardust: Of course.

8. Heinäkuu 2011, 12:53:12
Otsikko: Re:
biggooner<Why does your profile show you have never played any games with anyone? Are you using another nic? Let us drop the subject.

6. Heinäkuu 2011, 17:42:08
Otsikko: Re:
Darles Chickens: Programs play very predicatable lines but not.easy to spot. Many legitimate players use the same few moves so it takes lots of games to spot a user. A few years ago a player unashamedly sold his Checker programs right here on this site. The late, great Richard Fortman beat programs very often..so have some others.

6. Heinäkuu 2011, 16:15:40
Otsikko: Re:
Darles Chickens: Out of 68 KM members there were 5 using programs. There were many more innocent than the few guilty. There were bans for multiple nics and ratings boosting..not for program use.

5. Heinäkuu 2011, 13:07:04
Otsikko: Re:
Darles Chickens: The evil that men do lives after them..the good is often interred with their bones. So let it be with the KM. :)

5. Heinäkuu 2011, 01:03:56
Otsikko: Re:
Stardust: Program vs Program ends in draws 99 out of 100 times.

4. Heinäkuu 2011, 23:55:55
Otsikko: Re:
Darles Chickens: I had KM members who regularly beat programs. They were that good.

14. Tammikuu 2011, 20:42:42
Otsikko: Re: Top Players
Muokannut Purple (14. Tammikuu 2011, 20:44:46)
rod03801: Never really checked it out. Thanks

14. Tammikuu 2011, 14:21:59
Otsikko: Re: Top Players
rod03801: Do you think Fencer would reconsider setting up some ladders, maybe in chess, checkers and Backgammon to begin with? Goldtoken and It's Your Turn have them and anything they can do we can do better. Not so?

13. Tammikuu 2011, 17:23:26
Otsikko: Re: Top Players
Hexis: I am speaking in general. I can't rise in the rankings because no top player will play me.

13. Tammikuu 2011, 16:36:21
Otsikko: Re: Top Players
rod03801: Then once every 89 days you can play an EASY win from someone rated 50th and your rating will be unaffected. Too easy to manipulate and I would like stiffer penalties for inactive players.

13. Tammikuu 2011, 14:45:42
Otsikko: Top Players
What is a person to do when the top player "does not wish to be invited to any games?" He will stay there forever with no one ever having any hope of overtaking him. Makes a maockery of the rankings.

11. Helmikuu 2009, 13:59:43
Otsikko: Re: Tiger Checker Club
Tuesday: Not at all. We are all learning.

5. Helmikuu 2009, 02:28:42
Otsikko: Tiger Checker Club
We are now accepting applications for checker players.

31. Joulukuu 2008, 14:03:39
Otsikko: Re: Need Just One More
Purple: If one more person can sign up the tournament will be a go. Anyone can win..so give it a try!

28. Joulukuu 2008, 16:19:45
Otsikko: Need Just Two More

28. Joulukuu 2008, 16:19:37
Otsikko: Need Just Two More

3. Lokakuu 2008, 00:42:09
Otsikko: Re: For Clarity...
Stardust: Badger has the authority to declare the game a draw,

11. Huhtikuu 2008, 16:26:42
Otsikko: Moderators
They are selected on their interest and knowledge of checkers and not subject to "votes" and those who choose to make ethnic or other slurs will find their posts deleted and should they repeat this kind of thing they will be banned. See the guidelines. Stardust is right..talk about checkers and you will be welcome. Start trouble and you will be history. This is not debatable so don't even try. Thanks.

10. Joulukuu 2007, 15:43:09
Otsikko: Re:
Gabriel Almeida: Each post on this board is very carefuly screened as to content and appropriateness by the board moderators and the Global Moderators. The activities of checker fellowships is well within the acceptable guidelines and the area where zero lattitude is given is when posters disparage other people. If after reviewing all this you are still offended by something you percieve as "off topic" then the proper forum to discuss it is with the moderators in private. David does a superb job as co-moderator and it will be a rare day indeed when I over rule his decisions. Nuff said?

5. Joulukuu 2007, 16:52:11
Otsikko: Re:
Manuel M: Character assassination can get you banned. It is better to modify an inflammatory post first to give the person time to think it over. I don't know you and have said nothing about your character. Let's keep it that way.

5. Joulukuu 2007, 16:43:46
Otsikko: Re:
Manuel M: Promoting and recruitng for fellowships that are dedicated to checkers is well within the scope of this board.

5. Joulukuu 2007, 01:52:19
Otsikko: Re: Tiger Checker Club
Muokannut Purple (5. Joulukuu 2007, 01:55:55)
Stardust: Might be a thought. BTW any other fellowship dedicated to checkers is free to post an advertisement on this board in the interest of fairness.

5. Joulukuu 2007, 01:40:12
Otsikko: Re: Tiger Checker Club
Stardust: We hope some day you will join us..then the world can live as one. lol

4. Joulukuu 2007, 18:51:46
Otsikko: Tiger Checker Club
We are looking for a few good men (or women) We are The Killing Machine

23. Huhtikuu 2007, 16:47:52
Otsikko: Re:
Ramones: Contact our Captain David Upshaw for any challenge.

23. Huhtikuu 2007, 16:38:34
Otsikko: Re:
Ramones: The words "biased mods" can get you banned. Like on any public board.

5. Maaliskuu 2007, 16:59:23
Otsikko: Re:
Grandmaestro: We have not yet figured a way to play teams from other sites unless they come over here. (Not a bad idea)

4. Maaliskuu 2007, 17:17:32
Otsikko: Tiger Checker Club
We still have a standing offer to play any team in the world. Contact Captain David Upshaw for a challenge.

24. Joulukuu 2006, 02:35:07
Otsikko: Maybe helpful to new players
Muokannut Purple (24. Joulukuu 2006, 02:36:33)

23. Joulukuu 2006, 22:23:11
Otsikko: Re: My 2 cents
Gr☺uch☺: Well said. I have seen the "cheating" accusations border on the ridiculous..people who have lost hundreds of games are accused of using a program. Some program! LOL. Anyway all such discussion should be directed to Fencer and this board should be reserved for the stated subjects.

23. Joulukuu 2006, 21:08:57
Otsikko: Re: Violations of Guidelines
Gabriel Almeida: You can see what is missing. Now I am asking you to follow the guidelines as well as everyone else.

23. Joulukuu 2006, 21:02:46
Otsikko: Violations of Guidelines
A few people have now been hidden or banned. There has been plenty of warning. There won't be any more.

23. Joulukuu 2006, 19:43:17
Otsikko: Re: BKR system
Mysterio619: We review and try to delete any inappropriate posts. I did not see anyone making fun of anyone so I am not clear what your objection is. Whatever the issue it should be taken up in PM's to myself, co-mods or Globals. Not posted here.

21. Joulukuu 2006, 02:22:09
Otsikko: Reminder
No personal attacks. Please confine your posts to checkers.

6. Joulukuu 2006, 02:12:16
Otsikko: David
He was selected because he is liked and respected by all who know him and plays an excellent game of checkers. I believe and know he will do an outstanding job and we are lucky to have him.

5. Joulukuu 2006, 20:01:13
Otsikko: Re: I consider this discrimination...What about you?
Gabriel Almeida: You seem to be the one able to translate to all the posters who are using a foreign language. I apparently can not make myself understood..English only. The game of checkers is the only appropriate topic here and I have nothing against you. Perhaps you could PM the people posting in Portugese etc. to desist. Thanks.

5. Joulukuu 2006, 19:44:29
Otsikko: Re: I consider this discrimination...What about you?
Gabriel Almeida: It is general information. As I warned any non-checker posts will be deleted. I have hidden one agitator so far and the next step will be to ban.

5. Joulukuu 2006, 19:36:01
Otsikko: Re: I consider this discrimination...What about you?
Gabriel Almeida: English only.

5. Joulukuu 2006, 13:21:13
Otsikko: Nomad
I believe he will be back shortly and so will restore his name as co-mod.

5. Joulukuu 2006, 01:58:34
Otsikko: Re:
Gabriel Almeida: I appreciate your comments but the main job of a co-moderator here is to assure that no one can feel comfortable on this board when they attack, demean, insult, degrade or belittle other people. This is a tightly run board and they will be hidden, deleted or banned for doing so. Further there are a few people who never post regarding checkers but love to stray far off topic with their posts. This also needs to be discouraged. My co-moderator and the Globals have done an excellent job in assisting me in this. If and when I determine Nomad will not return or that I need another co-moderaor then a decision will be made. I wanted to clarify my criteria. Thanks.

20. Marraskuu 2006, 16:50:01
Otsikko: Re: Top 10 players from then to now.
B L I T Z M E: I would include the 19th century great Anderson.

8. Marraskuu 2006, 23:12:30
Otsikko: Re:
Gabriel Almeida: Well if Nomad doesn't come back you can take his place. :)

8. Marraskuu 2006, 23:02:36
Otsikko: Re:
Stardust: He has been ill but I fully expect his return. If he doesn't I will appoint someone else. As long as people confine their posts to checkers there is very little for co-moderators to do. Global moderators monitor the public boards as well and I am notififed when posters start inappropriate topics. I take action as soon as I become aware.

8. Marraskuu 2006, 17:34:41
Otsikko: Re: Moderator
Muokannut Purple (8. Marraskuu 2006, 17:36:36)
Gabriel Almeida: Take this suggestion to Fencer..not here. The co-moderators are appointed by me with the approval of Fencer and are not the subject of votes. This is like any other public board. We are here to discuss CHECKERS..not Ustica or Nomad. I will not engage in a debate about this but delete off topic posts and if necessary hide or ban the poster. This stops now.

8. Marraskuu 2006, 00:13:09
Otsikko: Re:
Andre Faria: He is under no obligation to explain anyihing to you. The next time you flame or bait another member you will be banned from this board.

7. Marraskuu 2006, 22:46:27
Otsikko: Re: English Only
Andre Faria: No more on this topic. The DB is for checkers.

7. Marraskuu 2006, 22:40:25
Otsikko: English Only
I can not explain the reason for the rule any more clearly than I already have. Fencer can change it if he decides to.

6. Marraskuu 2006, 15:17:29
Otsikko: Re:
Andre Faria: No one translated it. We were just giving notice before removing it.

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