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Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE


Team Tournaments

September 2024 - Dice Chess 10x10 3 - Starts 27th Sept

October 2024 - Battleboats Plus 5 - Starts 11th Oct

October 2024 - Dice Poker 6 - Starts 25th Oct

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<< <   20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29   > >>
6. juuni 2017, 11:31:45
Teema: Backgammon

2. juuni 2017, 09:07:19
Teema: new tournament
June Games  if anyone is interested

8. mai 2017, 13:29:56
Teema: Team Tournaments
Come on Fellowship Bosses and Team Captains, we have 6 Team Tournaments waiting & ALL are in need of more Teams

Mar 2017 Can you Connect 6 #9 (Connect 6) needs 2 more teams

Jan 2017 Loopidy-Loop Chess #6 (Loop Chess) needs just 1 more to start

Jan 2017 Czech Checkers VI (Czech Checkers) needs 3 teams, so not looking good

Also coming up in the next few days we have.....

May 2017 P-O-K-E-R(x3) #7 (Triple Dice)

May 2017 Cyclophobia #6 (Crowded Gammon)

June 2017 R-A-N-D-O-M (all games) #5 (Random Games)

which all need at least 2 more teams

Come on everyone, the site is still up & running, lets get these tournies started

30. aprill 2017, 12:07:49
Teema: Re:
furbster: Most tournaments have just started, the remaining ones only need one of two more to start. Good luck.

24. aprill 2017, 23:18:58
Eliminate em' all

few days left, most tournaments starting already but a few of them need a player or two more.

18. aprill 2017, 05:19:06
Clandestine 1 

12. aprill 2017, 18:28:14

12. aprill 2017, 02:49:41
Universal Eyes 

1. aprill 2017, 13:05:20
DeaD man WalkiN 
Teema: 13 days left then start
DeaD Man's GaMeS to StarT 1

Nackgammon (1 - open)
Backgammon Race (2 - open)
Crowded Backgammon (2 - open)
Plakoto (1 - open)
Fevga (2 - open)
Frog Finder (3 - open)
Logik (3 - open)

24. märts 2017, 12:24:40
Teema: new tournament
Please sign up  Where is spring

23. märts 2017, 17:01:15
Clandestine 1 

23. märts 2017, 13:50:14

23. märts 2017, 09:39:09
So much tournaments worth participating! Thanks to those who shares with these news

16. märts 2017, 02:09:26
Teema: Brfs 11th Annual St. Pat's Pente Tourney
Brf toimetatud (17. märts 2017, 01:40:42)
Brfs 11th Annual St. Pat's Pente Tourney


I don't know how much longer we can do this with the uncertainty of brainking's future but I'm going ahead and doing it for 2017 while we can. I've only allowed a tight 48 hour signup window for this "11th annual" so whomever signs up by midnight 3/17/17 will be able to participate. please join in for one more installment of the "Brfs St Patricks Day Pente Tournament"

This years St Pat's Tourney has the best settings based on 10 years of tweaks for speed while ensuring a solid challenge to all players.

As usual this is a prize tournament with 1 year Brain Rook awarded to the winner. The section size has been set at 6 people per section, so pawns will need to have 10 open game slots at start time (or risk being auto-removed)! Time limits are set at 1 day 9hrs per move with vacation allowed.....anything more and we risk whatever uncertainty the websites future may have. I don't want that, and ideally I'd like the winner to be able to use the prize.

With the use of a tight 48hr signup window, we should get a relatively small tournament this year which also should help speed things along.

My thanks to all of you who continue to sign up for this tournament every year, I can't believe we're already on the 11th one! Do you feel you have the Pente luck of the Irish this year? well sign up and see how far you can battle your way through the grids! On St.Patricks Day (March 17, 2017) the tourney begins!

Good luck to all players!

St Patty's 2017 WINNER: ????
St Patty's 2016 WINNER: Brf!
St Patty's 2015 WINNER: be_water
St Patty's 2014 WINNER: Aleph
St Patty's 2013 WINNERS: Aleph, Spavacz, RichardIII
St Patty's 2012 WINNERS: Brf!
St Patty's 2011 WINNERS: Brf!
St Patty's 2010 WINNERS: Karlw, Novatis
St Patty's 2009 WINNER: Nosovs
St Patty's 2008 WINNERS: Richard III, Nosovs
St Patty's 2007 WINNER: Brf!

12. märts 2017, 18:25:03

8. veebruar 2017, 23:58:18
Teema: new tournament
Longing for Spring   starts in 3 days

29. jaanuar 2017, 14:17:30
Teema: Team Tournaments
Come on Bosses & Team Captains
We have 4 Team Tournaments starting in the next 4 days, and 2 of them could do with at least 2 more Teams each

Jan 2017 Czech Checkers VI Czech Checkers - Team Size 4 - Needs at least 2 Teams to start

Jan 2017 Dice Poker 6D VII Dice Poker 6D - Team Size 7 - Starts 30th Jan

Jan 2017 Loopidy-Loop Chess #6 Loop Chess - Team Size 4 - Starts 30th Jan - Needs at least 2 Teams to start

Happy Groundhog Day 2017! (Backgammon) XXII Backgammon - Team Size 8 - Starts 2nd Feb

Come on join the fun,
Happy Gaming all

7. jaanuar 2017, 07:30:04
DeaD man WalkiN 
Teema: DeaD Man's GaMeS fRiDaY 13 tH...

3. jaanuar 2017, 13:09:27
Teema: new tournament
Please sign up and play  2017 Tournament

28. detsember 2016, 19:22:19
Teema: invitation
the last three days and three hours for The others

The others

24. detsember 2016, 18:01:51
This one starts today BAH HUMBUG!! #5 There are lots of games that could use some more people. It will stay open for 2 more days for the ones that don't have the minimum. Before that 2 day limit is up, I will sign up for any that have 3 people, so that those tourneys can start

24. detsember 2016, 16:51:57
Elimination Prize Rook

Couple of days left to sign up, winner gets 12 months brain rook membership.

18. detsember 2016, 11:31:27
Teema: Re: Hi & Goodby to all backgammon players...
TC: You will be missed

18. detsember 2016, 08:47:21
Teema: Re: Hi & Goodby to all backgammon players...
VarazsloIt is not a special to talk about on. Personal time needs...

18. detsember 2016, 02:41:11

17. detsember 2016, 15:37:12
Teema: Re: Hi & Goodby to all backgammon players...
TC: Ohh no! What makes you leave this site?

17. detsember 2016, 15:12:35
Teema: Hi & Goodby to all backgammon players...
Hi Friends,

Over 10 years I played here at brainking.com and organized many tournaments for the best & fast backgammon players!

I was lucky to play against best players on the world countries...

In our lives nothing is forever...

Like some other friends and masters of backgammon players, I want to left to play here and don't organize new tournaments as before!

If interested anyone, freely use my templates as is or modified to preferred to own templates, I would be glad!

If you need and contact me, for some help, I'll be here 2 months more...

Thanks to the owner of this site Filip Rachunek, management team members, volunteers of the site and all members by heart!

17. detsember 2016, 14:23:01
Teema: Open Invite: Top 10% Faster Backgammoners for 2017/01-02
Open Invite: Top 10% Faster Backgammoners for 2017/01-02
The Best and The Fast Backgammon Players',

This is an opportunity, check your weight against to other best and fast backgammon players if you inside the top 10% any type of Backgammon Games (Minimum BKR: 1700).

Don't be afraid of endless games and tournaments! If you don't like to join to the Backammon Tournaments without end (related with the move time of the tournament or players), our games finish to the next coming tournament.

We choosed publicly announce this in past popular Tournaments here, in the tournaments discussion and some fellowship groups to all the best and fast players who are inside the top 10% of any type Backgammon Games.

Inside the top 10% any type Backgammon player (Back, Nack, Crowded, Race, Hyper, Anti, Cloning Backgammon, Grasshopper, Plakoto, Fevga), is eligible to join to all other games in this Tournaments before the begin time.

To check where you are in the ratings click to the related links:

Backgammon, Nackgammon, Anti Backgammon, Backgammon Race, Crowded Backgammon, Hyper Backgammon, Cloning Backgammon, Grasshopper, Plakoto, Fevga

Others, outside of top 10% players, will be deleted before the tournaments begin without excuse...

Minimum BKR: 1700
Match type: 5 points match with doubling cube
Tournament type: one match for each two players
Maximum number of players per section: 20
Final match type for two players section: 5 points match with doubling cube if possible
Time control: Time: 3 days, Bonus: 3hours, Limit: 9 days, no days off (red signed)

(That means after beginning you have 3 days (72 hours) for your first move. Per your another move, you'll have 3 hours bonus for your other move time. 9 days is limit time for the opponents, after the move of other side.)

Please click to the Tournament addresse and 'feel free to join to any type of Gammon Games'. You are eligible to join, to all Gammon games without restriction, only if you inside of top 10% in any Gammon Games';(for now we have only ten types of Gammon games).

Open Invite: Top 10% Faster Backgammoners for 2017/01-02

With your join to this Tournament, hope to play good matches and enjoy!


Thank you!

13. detsember 2016, 16:52:20
Teema: 4 players under 1500
1500 or less

Made a mistake the first time and forgot to limit the rating so i deleted and started again.

10. detsember 2016, 13:05:03
Teema: Re:
crosseyed_uk toimetatud (10. detsember 2016, 13:07:10)
furbster: Yes and that was what made me cross. Also both parties could have been courteous and made me aware of the problem before ending the game. I most likely would have resign the game to save time. But I am never sure if you resign a game in a tournament if you end the match.

10. detsember 2016, 12:05:45
Teema: Re:
furbster toimetatud (10. detsember 2016, 12:06:22)
coan.net: exactly what I was going to say! Although unlikely the mistake would have been made it was still possible. Shouldn't have been ended until that last piece was moved!

10. detsember 2016, 03:13:45
Teema: Re:
coan.net:Thank you for that information.

10. detsember 2016, 02:24:59
Teema: Re:
coan.net: Very interesting and thank you for pointing up. So maybe the admin didn't know about this rule too and thought like I did that this is a bug.

in the past I remember having post the same request for a manual brake and the admin always made one. but as my opponents who were informed through message didn't complain either i need to assume that all of us weren't aware of this rule... Thank you coan

10. detsember 2016, 02:15:06
coan.net toimetatud (10. detsember 2016, 02:16:34)
About that game - it SHOULD NOT have been ended as there was still a chance for a tie game - as white still had a piece on their home position. So if black could have made it to pin that piece, then the game would end as a tie/draw. [In this game, black was in no position to do that..... but that is in the rules]

All white needed to do was move that last home piece and the game should have ended automatically, so I'm not sure why they needed Fencer to finish it when you could have done it simply yourself.

Game rules: http://brainking.com/en/GameRules?tp=109&fwa=ArchivedGame!g=7521441

"The only exception is if the opponent still has checkers on his starting point, since in this case his own mother checker is still threatened. A game in which both mothers are pinned is a draw."

10. detsember 2016, 01:31:31
Teema: Re: Has this happened to anyone?
crosseyed_uk toimetatud (10. detsember 2016, 01:36:55)
speachless: Why don't you do what you say you are going to do? You can ignore me, but you want to have the last word. And it is you twisting the facts to suit you, to make out you are being victimised.

10. detsember 2016, 01:26:37
Teema: Re: Has this happened to anyone?
crosseyed: sometimes ignoring you is not as easy, since you turn the facts as you want around, depends on your purpose... but even if your starting question is about something else, you manage often enough to turn it into a fight... i should have learned from the past that it is easier to convince someone that p.m. is a.m. instead of trying to go out of any kind of discussion with you.... well now that you have your answers concerning our plakoto game, i hope you stop going on and on with this discussion, bye and dream on

10. detsember 2016, 01:17:52
Teema: Re: Has this happened to anyone?
crosseyed_uk toimetatud (10. detsember 2016, 01:28:51)
speachless: I thought you were going to ignore me? It is obvious that want to have the last word so to speak. I asked that my posts be removed and you can check that, since you like to solve puzzles, ask the monitor who deleted yours and Brian's posts, as my posts were still there that morning in Brainking.com discussion board. This was the date 22. May 2016, 01:37:53
rod03801 put that he had hidden/remove two people's posts. So in fairness I asked that mine be removed.
Hopefully this problem won't arise again regarding bugs .One thing for is sure you love to exaggerate.

10. detsember 2016, 01:09:17
Teema: Re: Has this happened to anyone?
crosseyed: if you can count 1+1, it wouldn't at all be necessary for you to pose any of this questions.
after all you complained about me and the administrator, that we didn't inform you before i asked for correction and before the admin corrected the obvious bug. so even in the future, i refuse to chat with you on any games, if a manual correction will be needed from an admin, than you will find out why on your own, i don't feel guilty for not communicate with you on running games, since you offended me several time only for having another oppinion as yours. and to clarify it, the admin some months ago deleted some of your attacks to me, so now you clearly can't follow up anymore what you through on my face through discussion boards.

so no, i will refuse to even inform you, when again a manual correction will occure again.

10. detsember 2016, 01:04:55
Teema: Re: Has this happened to anyone?
crosseyed_uk toimetatud (10. detsember 2016, 01:05:18)
speachless: I won't lose any sleep over you ignoring me. I now know that the game does have a bug. And had you bothered to let me know this, this discussion would not have taken place.

10. detsember 2016, 01:02:49
Teema: Re: Has this happened to anyone?
speachless toimetatud (10. detsember 2016, 01:03:43)
crosseyed: well i decide now it doesn't make any sense for me to reply to any of your arguments. so your question was concerning our plakoto game. i gave you the answer. i try now to ignore you, everything else is a waste of time for me

10. detsember 2016, 01:01:09
Teema: Re: Has this happened to anyone?
crosseyed_uk toimetatud (10. detsember 2016, 01:02:59)
speachless: Let's get the facts right you started the argument and had a go at me because I made comment about someone and you did not like it. The only time I picked you up about your English was that I stated that in England we spell speechless differently to you. So don't go making a mountain over mole hill making out that I have been very unkind to you. At the time your posts and the other person was deleted and because I considered it unfair I asked that my posts be deleted too which they were as I considered that I had overstepped the mark. So don't exaggerating what really happened.
I was not sure it was a bug regarding playing plakoto when I had pinned the mother piece.
I did asked Beach about it when I pinned her mother piece and the game did not end, eventually it did complete and I won that game. So I thought there was something else that meant that the game had to be continued.

10. detsember 2016, 00:44:56
Teema: Re: Has this happened to anyone?
crosseyed: well however you feel about it, you knew this bug in plakoto sometimes happen, right? most all of the time it function very well.
and no i don't feel i need to be polite when it comes to you as in the past you offended me directly, mocking around about my insufficient english knowledge, etc. etc. so no, i feel you should have count 1+1 together but you expected courtesy from me and an administrator. well, i expected courtesy before you attacked me several times on public chats, just because you had another opinion. so no, i don't feel i need to be nice or polite or whatever to you, if i wish, i can ignore you, so easy!

10. detsember 2016, 00:37:20
Teema: Re: Has this happened to anyone?
speachless: I have had several games where I have pinned someone's piece and the game did not end. So this proves that there is fault in this game. Therefore we should be made aware of it and Fencer should rectified the fault. And yes I think it would have been courteous for you or Fencer to explain why the games finished like it did. I would have done that to you had it been me that had pinned your mother piece..

10. detsember 2016, 00:30:54
Teema: Re: Has this happened to anyone?
speachless toimetatud (10. detsember 2016, 00:34:34)
crosseyed: there is no reason why an administrator would need first to consult you before correcting a bug, since i pinned your mother piece without ending the game automatically. as i noticed after i won, that the game just passed the move to you, without that the game ended automatically as usually expected, so i wrote to an admin asking to end the game manually. as you expected to loose according the plakoto rules, it is not necessary that anyone contacts you first...

9. detsember 2016, 18:14:34
Teema: Re: Has this happened to anyone?
crosseyed_uk toimetatud (9. detsember 2016, 23:07:26)

Clandestine 1: Thank you for letting me know. Okay the link does not work but it clear to see that the game was finished by an administrator.
Does this work now? 7521441
I would like to know which administrator finished the game without consulting me first. Having just checked the staff there are only two administrators and one has not been in the site since April. So that leaves Fencer.

9. detsember 2016, 16:44:09
Clandestine 1 
Teema: Re: Has this happened to anyone?
crosseyed: the link doesn't work and I couldn't find the game in your profile. Try posting the link again.

9. detsember 2016, 11:33:38
Teema: Has this happened to anyone?
crosseyed_uk toimetatud (9. detsember 2016, 11:43:35)

6. detsember 2016, 18:34:47
Teema: Re: unstarted tournament
happyjuggler0: Why don't you contact the creator of the game/tournament and explain to them how to transfer the brains?

5. detsember 2016, 20:12:39
Teema: unstarted tournament
Someone in this tournament ought to message Fencer so that he can deduct 5 brains from the creator's account to start the tourney.

Championship website

30. november 2016, 23:02:03
Universal Eyes 

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