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14. September 2013, 23:24:52
Emne: Accepting a game invite
Is it possible to have a option for when you are accepting a game in the waiting room to accept all of the games by one player?

16. Juni 2013, 03:11:11
Emne: Re: Boards for analysis
brain008: This a always a great Idea here. A new game idea is Line 5. 10x10 board with a line of 5 wins.

16. November 2012, 19:11:12
Emne: Option
When someone leaves you a message and then puts you on the banned list of friends. The message that is sent should be deleted.

5. Juli 2012, 07:27:15
Emne: New game idea
Micro Hyper Backgammon
6 pips per side - 1 dice no doubles
3 pieces on the 1 and 12 pip...
Just a thought.

9. Maj 2012, 17:40:04
Emne: Mini Hyper Backgammon
3 Pips instead of 6
3 pieces per person
1 Dice only - No doubles
Doubles can be done - a dice is rolled before each game telling you which dice numbers is the doubles
One double roll only...

24. April 2012, 18:02:17
Emne: Froglet games
There should be an option to go from the color froglets to numbers for those who play here that are color blind.

15. Marts 2012, 02:23:36
Fencer can there be a option for backgammon that states when you win the first roll you can choose to keep the the numbers on the roll or choose to reroll? Something to think about...

12. Februar 2012, 21:05:35
Emne: Export Choice
When exporting games like in Backgammon it is possible to add a choice of whether white goes first or black goes first option?

31. December 2011, 01:51:56
Emne: Hyper Backgammon variation....
1. No Doubles
2. Doubles that send you back rather than foward.
3. you get doubles - your opponent get to make the moves forward or backwords.
3. Instead of 3 pieces, you have 6
Just a thought.

26. November 2011, 22:13:35
Emne: Game Request
How about have a hyper Backgammon without the doubles... 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6.

13. Maj 2011, 23:24:30
Emne: Game search perameters
When you put a newgame up in the waiting rooms why can we have a rating search of 50 point besides 100 points. i am high in the rating and the next person rated down 1 spot is more that 50 points?

10. Maj 2011, 20:49:50
I believe that there should have a backgammon game without the doubles!

15. April 2011, 02:38:47
Emne: New Game Page
Tilpasset af Orlandu (15. April 2011, 02:48:49)
Is there a way to see how many games there are when you make them on the new game page?
When you make new game, on the main page it shows only 50 when you create 50+

13. December 2010, 22:42:58
Emne: Re: Keep active players on the leader boards
Thad: in all muti-match games your rating does not change until all games are finished.

19. Oktober 2010, 18:44:28
Emne: New achievements
New achievements for Ludo

100 wins
500 wins
1000 wins
2000 wins
5000 wins
win with 1 opponent at home
win with 2 opponents at home
win with 3 opponents at home
win with all 4 opponents at home
capture 2 opponent in one turn
capture 3 opponents in one turn
capture all 4 opponents in one turn

29. September 2010, 21:10:59
There should be an option... Instead of having a black or white pick but a 2 game both sides...

28. September 2010, 19:44:40
Is there any way to show what teams we have signed up for in our fellowships?

13. August 2010, 03:24:46
Emne: Re: move-number of a message
Thom27: This is a great idea... When someone has alot games of one type... it is really needed... I had a frog finder game that I kept guessing the same move 10 times before I noticed...

30. Juni 2010, 19:57:48
Dominoes Would be a great addition here!

30. Maj 2010, 18:32:21
Emne: New Game Idea
A new Reversi Game...
Instead of using pieces... Use dice numbers...
Every time you place a piece it is a 1...
When you capture pieces just like on regular reversi... those pieces turns your color and each number dice goes up on to a max of 6.... The object is to get the most points...
I still have to iron our the game directions...

Any ideas about this game idea let me know...

20. April 2010, 03:58:11
Emne: Backgammon idea
Regular rules with exception:
1. When you get doubles you move back pieces
2. When you have all your pieces on home turf is when doubles rule is not in effect

1. April 2010, 03:58:56
Emne: Backgammon Ideas
Acey Duey is always great here... or How about Super Backgammon (18 pips instead of 12 per side... No doubles backgammon

17. Januar 2010, 05:05:15
Emne: Game Idea
Wall Backgammon: Start with pips on opponent side wall and the object is to get your pips to your side wall... instead of bearing them off...

18. November 2009, 17:39:08
Go to the next game with a Pawn Player... The I can play all pawn games first...

8. November 2009, 03:33:35
Yes! The other option was to fill the board up first then poke out a piece... Sounded cool... but about 10 yrs a little late...

6. November 2009, 02:37:25
Emne: line 4 variation
Line 4 Poke out... Regular line 4 but you can pokeout 1 piece (White or Black) to get the line 4...

26. September 2009, 02:06:23
is there a way to have a search tourney by creator?

20. Juli 2009, 21:57:02
Emne: Line 5
10x10.. five in a row...

11. Juni 2009, 18:20:39
Emne: Chinese checkers or a new Halma Line...
Take a 8x8 board... Put the 10 pieces in a triangle at the middle top and lower middle... of the board...
Then play is done like halma...

8. Juni 2009, 17:29:58
Emne: Re:
joshi tm: 5x5, 10x10, 15x15.... Would be great...

8. Juni 2009, 16:33:08
Tilpasset af Orlandu (8. Juni 2009, 16:33:43)
Nine men morris and dot and boxes would be good here

2. Marts 2009, 06:22:54
Emne: Re: New backgammon idea
Artful Dodger: That is a good set up for Snake.. The one version I have has alot more pieces on the board... Snake would be cool here

2. Marts 2009, 03:02:17
Emne: New backgammon idea
I found in an old Hoyle rule of games book and found a version of backgammon called snake an odd variaition...

23. Januar 2009, 21:41:09
Emne: Game Idea
Dark Dice Poker... You play the game without knowing what your opponents score is?

2. Januar 2009, 16:45:59
Emne: Ratings system?
Is there any way for the rating of a game to go into effect until after the 4th move...
This would eliminate the given wins some people give because they take a game and never play...

9. December 2008, 17:19:55
Emne: Polls
Polls have drooped off... Can any rook player make a polll for the main polls...

6. December 2008, 23:41:51
Emne: updat of game...
Pah Tum would be nice on a bigger scale... and a variation of Mancala...

2. December 2008, 06:45:17
Abalone is a registeredgame... Only the company could say yes to letting the game here... Abalone is a very fun Game.... I play it alot...

30. November 2008, 16:27:46
Fencer is there anyway when looking at siging up for tourney games that a black dot is placed next people who areon a Blocked Users List?

26. November 2008, 20:28:14
Emne: Old Fun games...
Nine Men Morris... And a 20x20 dots and boxes... These would make great additions to this great site...

25. Oktober 2008, 23:34:34
Emne: Re: Froglet idea
nodnarbo: THe only numbers are on the outside telling you the moves... How many color blind people play on this site? If they love Froglet then than cannot tell which frog is what?
That is why numbers would be needed as alternative for color blind people...

24. Oktober 2008, 23:52:29
Emne: Froglet idea
Instead of color frogs use numbers as a alternative...

18. Oktober 2008, 02:29:11
Emne: New game
Nine Men Morris would be a great game...

4. Juli 2008, 06:04:39
Emne: ponds
fencer since you can define a rating range for tourneys... Why not ponds... It would be a nice thing to have...

27. Juni 2008, 19:50:45
Emne: New Game Idea
Dots and Boxes
7x7, 14x14, 21x21

2. Juni 2008, 03:00:39
Emne: Chessversi
Chessversi should have both the old and new rules option when setting up the game...

15. Maj 2008, 05:36:12
Emne: Re: Game Editor
MadMonkey: Game editor for games like mancala to have a preset opening moves... but on a non rated game format...

15. Maj 2008, 05:30:54
Emne: New limit range
Can we have a defining new range instead of 100's may be 25's exp 1100 1125 1150 1175 1200

31. Januar 2008, 21:42:12
Emne: Re: Frog legs (and other new games)
Fencer: Chinese checkers would be har to bring here... a 6 player board or 2 players with 3 colors each...

31. Januar 2008, 21:29:19
Emne: Re: Frog legs (and other new games)
joshi tm: I like the idea of halma 8x8 and halma 10x10 where the pieces are on the first to rows... Fun Idea

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