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6. Marts 2012, 02:05:46
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: It's 4 bucks a month for the generic pills at the retail pharmacy
lizrising: BTW, you inferred it. You are projecting that he implied what you are saying. And clearly Rush was being sarcastic and trying to be over the top. He certainly wasn't being serious.

I wish liberals would just be honest about this topic. Protecting the left when they do the same thing (as you did with Ed of MSNBC) while vilifying the right is hypocritical. Read this:

She's a well known liberal and about the only liberal that is making any sense in this matter.

6. Marts 2012, 02:01:47
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Jules, do try to focus.
No one said one pill a month. You made that up. That's because you like to to obfuscate a problem with extraneous information. Your MO. BTW, there are once a month birth controls out there. But that's not what's even being discussed. Clearly it was sarcasm. You'd have to be pretty sexually active to be spending $1000 per year.

Seems you are still unclear about basic economics and clearly you are unaware of the availability of once a month contraception.

"Maybe the word "slut" I don't find really that bad."

So you're ok with women being called sluts. Good to know.

Like so many liberal thinkers, that is hypocritical.

6. Marts 2012, 01:47:31
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: It's 4 bucks a month for the generic pills at the retail pharmacy
(V): It IS only 4 dollars a month for the generic brand for "The Pill." Get a clue.

5. Marts 2012, 20:47:13
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: It's 4 bucks a month for the generic pills at the retail pharmacy
lizrising: I'm just saying its all wrong but Rush's offense doesn't rise to the level or pure evil.

5. Marts 2012, 16:22:44
Papa Zoom 

5. Marts 2012, 16:07:35
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: It's 4 bucks a month for the generic pills at the retail pharmacy
lizrising: Not pure evil. What Hitler did to innocent people, cooking them in gas chambers, that's pure evil. What Rush said was just stupid. Comments like yours are why conservatives like myself don't take what you say seriously.

Now it seems the argument is that it's ok to call a woman a slut but not ok to ask for pictures.

It's simple Liz, it's all bad. You don't call a woman a bimbo or a slut or suggest she post videos. It's all bad. Letterman was wrong as was Ed as was Rush. Bill Mahr gets away with his foul name calling because as he said, he doesn't have sponsors. (his exact argument for why what he says is not wrong)

Slavery is pure evil. Molesting children is pure evil. Murder is pure evil. Raping is pure evil.

How you can seriously put Rush's comments in the same category is puzzling.

5. Marts 2012, 16:00:27
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: It's 4 bucks a month for the generic pills at the retail pharmacy
(V): Jules I was clear. It's cheap to buy generic pills. I never said one. Don't be a dolt.

5. Marts 2012, 03:30:22
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Behind the story
Carbonite’s Bad Business Decision
Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a “slut.” He later apologized sincerely.

Ed Schultz called Laura Ingraham a “slut.” He never apologized for that, sincerely or otherwise.

Carbonite has severed its advertising relationship with Rush. It continues advertising on Schultz’s show.

Rush Limbaugh audience: About 15 to 20 million, on hundreds of radio stations at all times of the day.

Ed Schultz audience: Nearly too tiny to measure, on one cable channel and a few dozen (maybe) radio stations.

On the basis of business alone, Carbonite has made a terrible decision. I know I’ll never use their product now, and the same is probably true for a large number of Rush’s audience once they hear of the Democrat-owned business’ double standard. If there’s a neutral or conservative-owned online computer backup provider out there, they’ll starting getting some new business that Carbonite is destined to lose.

AD's prediction: Rush will not be hurt by any of this. But the left will and those businesses that left Rush will feel it in their bottom line.

Watch and see.
Unless, I guess, Carbonite suddenly picks up some new government contracts…

4. Marts 2012, 22:36:35
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: By her own testimony, she spends about 1000$$ a year on contraceptives.. That mathematically means she's having sex at least 5 times a day.
Tilpasset af Papa Zoom (4. Marts 2012, 22:38:48)
(V): Anyone that spends 1000 per year as Fluke said she does could only do that if they are having sex non stop. It's 4 bucks a month for the generic pills at the retail pharmacy and condoms are free via Planned Parenthood.

And an exceptional case isn't the standard we should hold up to raise everyone's insurance costs.

Fluke doesn't have to have sex. She wants to have it and wants others to pay for it. You need a basic economics less here Jules. If insurance companies are forced to offer the coverage she advocates, we will all pay higher premiums.

Jules, I looked in your previous posts and couldn't find where yo posted about Letterman when he called Palin a slut. Nor when an MSNBC host called Laura Ingraham a slut. And then Ann Colter, Michelle Malkin, and Michelle Bachman...all called foul names by those on the left. But like your missing posts on these incidents, there was no left wing outrage either.

BTW, I've never listened to Rush. Nice try but you missed the ball. And Rush will overcome this.

BTW, those "advertisers" that left Rush - interesting that they stayed with MSNBC even though it was on that network that Ingraham was called a slut.

And they say that the Left has no standards. Well, they in fact do have standards. -Double Standards-

3. Marts 2012, 23:57:35
Papa Zoom 
Yeah, Sandy gets a call from the prez when a Right wing talk show host calls her a slut. Good for the prez. Just like when he called Sarah Palin when the left was calling her a slut. Oh wait, he didn't call her when that happened.

Well, at least when an MSNBC host called a conservative raido talk show host a slut, Obama called her. Oh wait, Obama didn't call her either.

hmmmm, guess it's not just those on the right. Seems like the left does it all the time. Just check into Twitter.

Sandra is gonna be a lawyer. She is having so much sex she needs government help paying for it (even though she can get contraception's free - that's right folks: FREE). By her own testimony, she spends about 1000$$ a year on contraceptives.. That mathematically means she's having sex at least 5 times a day.

The real story here is that as a lawyer to be, she's learning to screw a lot of people even before she officially becomes a lawyer.

25. Februar 2012, 06:02:07
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: And, there we were, in the middle of the road, laughing, shaking hands, when a truck hit us

24. Februar 2012, 16:13:57
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Bernice: UM.......I think I know.. ;)

24. Februar 2012, 06:21:30
Papa Zoom 
“When your family or friends cannot explain why they voted democrat, give them this list and they can pick a reason from this “TOP 12″.

12. I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies’ profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn’t.

11. I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

10. I voted Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.

9. I voted Democrat because I’m way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.

8. I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can’t tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don’t start driving a Prius.

7. I voted Democrat because I’m not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.

6. I voted Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits, and we should take away the social security from those who paid into it.

5. I voted Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrats see fit.

4. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters.

3. I voted Democrat because I think that it’s better to pay billions to people who hate us for their oil, but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle, gopher or fish.

2. I voted Democrat because while we live in the greatest, most wonderful country in the world, I was promised “HOPE AND CHANGE”.

And, finally, the No. 1 reason to vote Democrat:

1. I voted Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my (two words: R..C...), it’s unlikely that I’ll ever have another point of view.”

24. Februar 2012, 03:22:37
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: Nanjing Massacre
fukuhara: I recently saw a docudrama on the Nanjing Massacre. Very brutal stuff. Sad that some deny it and even sadder still that some young people have never heard of it.

24. Februar 2012, 03:19:15
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: Next topic please
Vikings: No problem. I certainly wasn't trying to bait anyone....but was trying to drive the point home. And my barbs were aimed at the idiots that make such policies. And yes, the US has it's set of knuckle heads at the top making nutty decisions as well. Oddly enough, they all have the first name of Peter. Last name Principle. Go figure ;)

24. Februar 2012, 03:14:05
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Bernice: lol @ sense of humor! ;)

23. Februar 2012, 16:52:22
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Should be required viewing by all British authorities!!!

23. Februar 2012, 16:48:10
Papa Zoom 
British School Authority: "Thank you for coming into school today to discuss this very important matter. This is Mr. Itza Law the school attorney and this is Mrs. Hope Leslie Clueless, the liaison from the government office RATS, (Racism And Terrorism in Schools). I'd like to show you something."

Mom: "Ok, it's a cute picture of kids playing outside. And???"

British School Authority: "You're daughter drew this."

Mom: "ok It's cute"

British School Authority: "Notice the two children in the picture that have black skin? You're daughter singled them out and used a black color crayon to represent their skin color!

Mom: "I see she labeled them with their names. Those are her two black friends that live down the street.

British School Authority: "Their skin color is NOT black!! It's a dark brown! What your daughter did by coloring using a black color crayon is nothing less than racism!!!"

Mom: "She's 5. What was the assignment."

British School Authority: "To draw and color of picture of her and her friends playing their favorite outdoor activity."

Mom: "Well, looks like she did that."

British School Authority: "We need to deal with this crisis situation now while your daughter is impressionable. She needs to know that racism isn't tolerated in this society."

Mom: "What did she do exactly that was racist?"

British School Authority: " She used a black crayon to color a black person!!!"

Mom: "Yeah, cuz their black"

British School Authority: "And she made their hair frizzy!!!!"

Mom: "Hmmmm, maybe because they both have frizzy hair???"

British School Authority: "Those are racial stereotypes."

Mom: "No, those are accurate representations. Where is my daughter now?"

British School Authority: "She's in the other room. Handcuffed. And she's under arrest. She'll be spending the night in jail. We have a zero tolerance policy on acts of racism. The police are on their way."

Mom: "You're a complete moron."

British School Authority: "That is besides the point. There is a law against racism. We have to learn that we are all equals! And it's your job as a mom to get that message across. Where do people in this society get off thinking they are better than others? Well, I have to run, I'm late for my daily meeting at the Caledonian Club."

Mom: "Isn't that a men only club?"

................. No longer because women are allowed in now. Nothing is sacred. British equality act...your knuckle draggers at work! Next men will be allowed in the girls bathroom. Equality you know. I hear there is legislation that will require the UK men to power their noses when out in public! That's so the women don't feel inferior!

23. Februar 2012, 02:16:29
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: big debate tonite
The Col: Well he just said another dumb thing today so it will be interesting. Frankly, I don't see Santorum going head to head with Obama. Mitt yes, Santorum, no.

22. Februar 2012, 20:44:26
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: big debate tonite
The Col: Many say Santorum can't beat Obama. I think Obama could sell snake oil to a snake oil salesman.

21. Februar 2012, 22:15:58
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: It is just human nature. We always want things bigger.
Bernice: The Brits claim a "no tolerance policy" but it's more like a no intelligence policy.

21. Februar 2012, 19:31:34
Papa Zoom 
Emne: From the BBC
Home Office minister John Denham has been criticised by the police for using the phrase "nitty gritty" because of race relations rules.
Mr Denham used the phrase during a debate at the Police Federation conference in Bournemouth.

He was told that police officers could face disciplinary charges for saying "nitty gritty" because it dates from the slavery era.

Some rank-and-file officers say the rules about language have become "a minefield" and have made them inhibited in doing their job.

Has political correctness gone mad? How much care should be taken by police over language?

19. Februar 2012, 21:41:35
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: this is how utterly STUPID authorities can get. Apparently, they are STUCK on STUPID.
(V): The source of the info doesn't matter if what is said is true. Clearly the kid did nothing wrong and the authorities went overboard. They are morons.

19. Februar 2012, 01:17:51
Papa Zoom 
Emne: this is how utterly STUPID authorities can get. Apparently, they are STUCK on STUPID.

16. Februar 2012, 02:00:17
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: Green energy in the USA
Übergeek 바둑이: I totally agree with your post. I believe everything you said is true. I drive a small truck. a friend bought a huge truck. Mine's paid for but his not only guzzles gas, it chews up 400 buck a month. I paid 6 thousand while he around 40. Now he can no longer afford it.. Just not smart on so many levels.

15. Februar 2012, 18:53:34
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: Free energy
Bwild: Oil is free as is gas and coal. Oh wait, there's a cost to harvest it. But there's a cost associated with all energy sources. NO energy source is free. There's always a cost involved. Even once the source is tapped, there's a cost to maintain the equipment that captures the energy.

Unfortunately, we are years away from using renewable energy sources effectively and efficiently. In the meantime, I say drill and tap ALL sources of energy.

14. Februar 2012, 21:22:59
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: Green energy in the USA
Übergeek 바둑이: I keep my heat low, turn off lights when not in use, drive only 4 miles to work, don't travel much, and on and on. The US may use more (they don't use the most however) because it's more available and we can afford it.

14. Februar 2012, 16:36:39
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: you can cite all the isolated green energy "successes" you want but that won't prove that the entire world can be sustained by these technologies. In fact, they can't.
(V): Wrong again. I didn't miss anything. We have the same here in the US but it's only a very SMALL portion of the US energy needs. AND you are limited as to where you can build those plants. Either way, they won't meet the worlds needs. Just a small population. It's isolated.

14. Februar 2012, 02:34:09
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: you can cite all the isolated green energy "successes" you want but that won't prove that the entire world can be sustained by these technologies. In fact, they can't.
rod03801: "But WHO said anything about stopping?
I don't recall anyone suggesting THAT"

This is how the radicals think. They don't listen to what you say and they always use a straw man in their arguments.

Where renewable energy technology is successful, fine. Build away. But how many BILLIONS must we waste? We've recently seen the waste. Enough. Get back to the drawing board and figure it out.

Chevy Volt. classic example of a waste. Like Obama: Lots of hype but no spark.

14. Februar 2012, 02:29:18
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: you can cite all the isolated green energy "successes" you want but that won't prove that the entire world can be sustained by these technologies. In fact, they can't.
(V): "Five major geothermal power plants exist in Iceland, which produce approximately 26.2% (2010

Great, and the other 74%....they all are freezing to death.

14. Februar 2012, 02:16:49
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: Is that a reason to stop building more green energy supply systems... no.
(V): Wrong again Jules. We've wasted millions because the technology isn't there yet. We need to work on the technology and THEN build. Right now you are in favor of building an airplane that simply CAN'T fly.

13. Februar 2012, 16:27:20
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Bottom Line Jules
We have a LONG way to go before we can supply the world with affordable, efficient, green energy. Anyone who says otherwise is either a liar or a moron. We're just not there yet. In the meantime, we need to drill, drill, drill.

13. Februar 2012, 16:25:17
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: There really isn't any renewable energy source that at the moment can replace our fossil fuel needs.
(V): you can cite all the isolated green energy "successes" you want but that won't prove that the entire world can be sustained by these technologies. In fact, they can't. That's the science of it. Isolated example prove nothing.

"As predicted was inevitable, today the Spanish newspaper La Gaceta runs with a full-page article fessing up to the truth about Spain’s “green jobs” boondoggle, which happens to be the one naively cited by President Obama no less than eight times as his model for the United States. It is now out there as a bust, a costly disaster that has come undone in Spain to the point that even the Socialists admit it, with the media now in full pursuit....his is now an explosive scandal in Spain, coming on the heels of shabby treatment over there in payback to an academic team for having pointed the disaster out (joined by equally shabby treatment by the Obama administration).

I’d say “I hate to say I told you so,” but I revel in it. My only regret is that they couldn’t have admitted it about three weeks ago to coincide even more perfectly with the release of Power Grab: How Obama’s Green Policies Will Steal Your Freedom and Bankrupt America. In the book, I detail the folly of Obama’s claims about European “green economy” miracles and what cramming them down here means for you, unless you stand up and fight back now.

The man who exposed the disaster, Dr. Gabriel Calzada, kindly praises the dissection of “free ice cream” “green jobs” economics on the jacket. That fight begins anew next week with the likely Senate vote on S.J. Res. 26, the Murkowski resolution to disapprove of the Environmental Protection Agency’s attempt to impose much of this agenda through the regulatory back door without Congress ever having authorized such an enormous economic intervention. Read Power Grab to get your head around the numerous fallacies and fabrications, and give Washington hell."

I'll bet good money you use fossil fuels all the time. Why is that Jules?

13. Februar 2012, 16:23:18
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: There really isn't any renewable energy source that at the moment can replace our fossil fuel needs.
(V): you can cite all the isolated green energy "successes" you want but that won't prove that the entire world can be sustained by these technologies. In fact, they can't. That's the science of it. Isolated example prove nothing.

12. Februar 2012, 22:45:09
Papa Zoom 
Emne: That grass isn't always greener on the other side of the energy source....
Green Energy vs. Endangered Species vs. Native Americans
How ironic is it when a lefty-supported green energy project gets stalled by two other lefty favorite causes?

One of California’s showcase solar energy projects, under construction in the desert east of Los Angeles, is being threatened by a deadly outbreak of distemper among kit foxes and the discovery of a prehistoric human settlement on the work site.

The $1-billion Genesis Solar Energy Project has been expedited by state and federal regulatory agencies that are eager to demonstrate that the nation can build solar plants quickly to ease dependence on fossil fuels and curb global warming.

Instead, the project is providing a cautionary example of how the rush to harness solar power in the desert can go wrong — possibly costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars and dealing an embarrassing blow to the Obama administration’s solar initiative.


Native Americans, including the leaders of a nearby reservation, are trying to have Genesis delayed or even scuttled because they say the distemper outbreak and discovery of a possible Native American cremation site show that accelerated procedures approved by state and federal regulators failed to protect wildlife and irreplaceable cultural resources.

Just to recap, this was not only green-lighted but expedited by both the Democratic President Barack Obama and the Democratic Governor of California Jerry Brown… and now it’s being brought to a screeching halt (and likely costing taxpayers more money) because they cut corners trying to get a showpiece solar project open… probably wanting for Obama to be able to point to this example of his “green energy” plans on the campaign trail.

Mind you, I don’t want the cute little kit foxes to be hurt, and I definitely think we should honor the Native American burial site, just as I think Obama should honor the religious objections of Catholics and other Christians to birth control.

What this shows is more incompetence on the part of the Obama and Brown administrations… as if we needed more evidence of Obama’s incompetence.

12. Februar 2012, 00:41:52
Papa Zoom 

11. Februar 2012, 17:56:34
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: At the moment we need a mix of energy supplies to be realistic. More green definitely, but until we have battery systems that can store green energy at a sufficient level, we need other sources.
Übergeek 바둑이: I didn't say fossil fuels ARE harvested efficiently and clean, I said it can be done. And it can.

11. Februar 2012, 06:23:32
Papa Zoom 
As the world’s biggest windfarm opens off Cumbria, critics continue to question the turbine boom

Less than a week ago 106 mostly Conservative MPs wrote to the Prime Minister, urging cuts in public subsidies to UK windfarms, on the grounds that these towering turbines were neither efficient to run nor pleasing on the eye. Yet today sees the opening, in Cumbria, of the world’s biggest-ever windfarm, the switch-on to be performed by Ed Davey, the new man in charge of energy and climate change (his predecessor Chris Huhne having temporarily pulled the plug on his political career).

So while Westminster continues to provide an ever-renewable source of Cabinet ministers, it also houses plenty of people who are far from fired up by the prospect of green power, as provided by a 150ft wind turbine. Reviews of windfarms so far read “stupid” (Lord Lawson) and “absolutely useless” (Duke of Edinburgh). Their comments have now been amplified by the MPs’ letter.

11. Februar 2012, 05:46:16
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: At the moment we need a mix of energy supplies to be realistic. More green definitely, but until we have battery systems that can store green energy at a sufficient level, we need other sources.
(V): There really isn't any renewable energy source that at the moment can replace our fossil fuel needs. That is not to say that it isn't possible but we're a way off.

Fossil fuels can be harvested efficiently and cleanly. Until there is the necessary new technology that is affordable and more importantly, available in plenty, all this talk of green energy is just talk.

10. Februar 2012, 16:05:33
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: At the moment we need a mix of energy supplies to be realistic. More green definitely, but until we have battery systems that can store green energy at a sufficient level, we need other sources.
(V): Ha! We agree. But what are those other sources? I'm for fossil fuels until we have viable alternatives that are both affordable and efficient.

8. Februar 2012, 01:58:43
Papa Zoom 
Emne: yep lol

7. Februar 2012, 21:49:43
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
(V): You do love to spin.

7. Februar 2012, 01:59:46
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
(V): don't play games. We both know what you meant. Spare me.

5. Februar 2012, 23:18:23
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Fox covered the DDT story all day long.

just saying

The liberals favorite networks are the ones that tell only part of the story. In other words, they lie by omission.

5. Februar 2012, 23:00:07
Papa Zoom 
Emne: And of course, don't question Gore!!!!

5. Februar 2012, 22:45:11
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Cenk Uygur Cuts Peter Schiff’s Mic During Heated Discussion Over Crony Capitalism

5. Februar 2012, 22:44:00
Papa Zoom 

5. Februar 2012, 22:43:10
Papa Zoom 
Emne: "Cut the Mic please!!!"

5. Februar 2012, 22:29:34
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
(V): And anyone watching O'Reilly over the years know that you are referring to him with the "shut up" quote. But let's see....that was years ago. And he's only ONE program. That's why your argument is weak.

As for cut the mic, that's appropriate for some blowhard that won't answer the question and only wants to filibuster. I'd cut more than their mic.

5. Februar 2012, 22:23:12
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
(V): Oh I read it. After I finished laughing I posted my reply. I wasn't sure if you were trying out some comedic material or if you were trying to be serious.

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