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Отговорник: MadMonkey 

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9. юли 2014, 16:35:22
Относно: Re:
puupia: that was really cool. ty for posting

30. април 2009, 21:20:36
Относно: Re:Covers
MadMonkey: You ROCK! Thanks so much!

30. април 2009, 21:20:02
Относно: Try try again????

30. април 2009, 21:15:12
Относно: Re:Covers
Променен от baddessi (30. април 2009, 21:18:51)
MadMonkey: hm..I tried that and it didn't work. I will try again! Thanks!

Tried again and copied the link (it's a looooooooong link right?) and when I come to paste it here, it won't give me the paste option...yet I did the exact same thing with the link and it worked...it's probably my computer...I'm using chrome, would that make a difference?

30. април 2009, 20:05:01
Относно: Re:Covers
Променен от baddessi (30. април 2009, 20:05:37)
rod03801: that's one of my favorites!
Another cover I like alot:


who can explain to me how to embed a video?

9. март 2009, 06:07:25
Относно: Re: sad death of Wendy Richard
Nirvana: awww..how sad. I loved her...didn't realize she had passed away. Thanks for posting that!

19. юли 2008, 06:07:07
Относно: Re:
Artful Dodger: Hear! Hear! I agree with Dol! I really enjoy your stuff..you better not put that guitar down! you just keep on playing ok?

But yeah, that kid is incredible! What a talent!

24. април 2008, 22:25:41
Относно: Re: I seldom get blown away....
oh whoops..after reading my post and the link, I have to update..the Waltz ran for 5 years, and they are bringing it back this year to get a roof for Neon Street, the home for the kids of Chicago..anyways....

I'm still in awe of him from afar, I guess : )

here's a music vid of his:


24. април 2008, 22:04:02
Относно: I seldom get blown away....
..but I'm downright gobsmacked here....
I came across this the other day on the web and have to share.

When I was in kindergarten and first grade, I lived next door to this guy and he was my favorite friend to hang with, always smiling, always fun, big heart of gold.
I moved away and came back in high school and was in awe of him from afar.
I doubt he would remember me, shy, quiet kid that I was and still am
But I've never forgotten him.
Imagine my surprise when I found out, that not only is he a sucessful musician now, but that the heart of gold I always remembered is still going strong.

He organizes and annual event every year in Chicago (since 2000? I think) to raise money to benefit the homeless kids in the city- to give them a roof over their head and resources to start a new life.
So if any of you are in the Chicago area (Or travel there) and don't know about this...you gotta check out this concert!
A very worthy cause!
For those of you not in the area, check out a great musician you may or may not have heard of...the site has some utube embedded videos I love..the third one has him playing with one of my all time heroes, Rick Danko of The Band..and the last one has him playing with Rick Nielsen of Cheap Trick.
I think you can also find some of Nick's music on utube. Look for Nick Tremulis or NTO (Nicholas Tremulis Orchestra)
I love his stuff..
...anyways, the link to the event:


21. март 2008, 05:09:07
Относно: Re:
Artful Dodger: W O W !!! That was awesome! Gave me goosebumps! What an incredible arrangement and those girls nailed it!!!

6. март 2008, 16:23:52
Относно: Re: For Rose!!
Dolittle: ROFL! That's so cute...

but this is my favorite kitty song:


5. март 2008, 18:56:07

26. януари 2008, 05:41:03
Относно: Re: so honest,so heartfelt
Jim Dandy: wow- thanks for that....Man! I miss Rick Danko

15. януари 2008, 18:23:56
Относно: Re: And, please welcome ...Ewe
Ewe: I see Ewe up there Ewe!
Congrats on becoming a mod of this board. I know you will do a great job here and they are lucky to have you (Ewe)

14. януари 2008, 04:04:36
Относно: Re: Hello, everybody.
TexasToest: thank you

and to put a smile on your face, give a listen to rare performance from a man we both love performing free at a concert for the veterans at the VA hospital in Oklahoma last April


13. януари 2008, 17:42:12
Относно: Re: Welcome Mad Monkey
Mousetrap & Jim Dandy: I guess that's what happened. It was easily taken out of context and misunderstood for me.


12. януари 2008, 06:19:02
Относно: Re: Welcome Mad Monkey
Променен от baddessi (12. януари 2008, 17:45:10)
This is my response to your post, copied from below:
6. January 2008, 10:39:54TexasToest (hide)show this user posts | show thread | linkSubject: Welcom Mad Monkey
Please say hello and a word of welcome to our new moderator. I'm happy to have him aboard. All my help left, and good help is hard to find. But, we found him.

Best of luck to you, MadMonkey. I must be a tyrrant chasing off all those other people. But, the truth of the matter is I wanted you here all along. Make yourself at home.

TexasToest: As you know, I have had trouble accessing this board since the addition of embedded vidoes and my internet problems, plus due to my workload now and having limited time on the site these days, I was unable to keep up with this board and give it the attention it deserves. That is the reason I left my position here and I thought you understood that. It wasn't because you were a tyrant.

I think you have done an exemplary job of being the Main Mod here. You have brought this board to life since you took it over. You have an amazing love of music and have an incredible knowledge of it, and have added to this board a vast array of different musical styles and tastes. That's why I suggested that you take the board from me in the first place.

To be honest, I was a little upset and hurt by your post.

Also, the way you worded your post, it almost gives the implication that we didn't agree with you wanting Mad Monkey here and that is simply NOT true. You never even mentioned adding him as a mod to me. I would have wholeheartedly agreed!

I enjoyed being a part of this board for the time I was involved here, and I thank you for having me here.

Mad Monkey: Welcome and congrats on being a new mod on this board. I'm sure you will make a wonderful addition and be a good support to Texas Toest and give this board the attention it deserves. Thanks for stepping up! </b>

31. октомври 2007, 03:15:07
Относно: Re: Theme Night Postponed
Eriisa: thanks for letting us know : )

21. октомври 2007, 05:27:26
Относно: Re: baddessi - this is some high energy strumming for you.
TexasToest: I would have been happy just to be in the room....don't think I would have touched my guitar among those gods....I would have just been sitting gobsmacked with my jaw to my knees

I'm not really a great strummer....I'm more of an acoutic picker ..and I go at about 1/100th the speed of Richie Havens...I'm just an amatuer..sure do love watching the pros tho

21. октомври 2007, 04:39:34
Относно: Re: baddessi - this is some high energy strumming for you.
TexasToest: oh wow- thanks...what I'd give to be able to play like that! Thanks : )

I REALLY enjoyed the Traveling Wilburys stuff too

22. септември 2007, 21:27:30
Good stuff there Jim!

22. септември 2007, 02:53:48
have you guys seen this yet..I thought it was really cool : )


22. септември 2007, 02:44:47
Относно: Re:
Jim Dandy: I had never heard of Valdy- thanks for turning me on to a really cool guy : ))

22. септември 2007, 02:42:16
Относно: Re: A Patsy Cline classic.
Tigger: oh awesome. I hate chord changes, but you transisted like it was just another breath you were taking. Please let faith know that she has got lots of fans on here

21. септември 2007, 01:35:02
Относно: Re: Dream A Little Dream Of Me
Tigger: wow- I loved that ! I really like the arrangement for your guitar on that....you put some cool things in there. Thanks!

20. септември 2007, 02:42:53
Относно: Re: Jack Johnson's "Upside Down"
Tigger: Oh ROCK ON DAN thanks for sharing those with us..I'm really loving your songs...your playing just gets better and better...that vocalist is really good- such a beautiful pure voice..loved it!

16. август 2007, 06:02:40
Относно: Re: Elvis' death
awesome: Ah...the good old days, huh?

15. август 2007, 05:13:39
Относно: Re: And, speaking of Elvis
Променен от baddessi (15. август 2007, 05:14:40)
The Usurper: you and me both....I broke down an just sobbed while at work....it was SO wrong...

Jim Dandy: LOL! Maybe..didn't notice!!! But I believe you! I was just happy to find a 'pillow talk" song on u tube! I haven't heard that song in years...cracked me up! I had to post it!

14. август 2007, 22:00:22
Относно: Re: music
Family Man: I personally have never had "pillow talk" with butch or anyone else on here...I save that for my Man, Dan...just general chatting on here...
but here ya go..have a listen


14. август 2007, 21:48:02
Относно: Re: music
Tuesday: oh ok...I guess I do talk about it with other people who play...I never thought it was real hard, but other people tell me that it is... I guess it's like anything ele. I can play instruments, but I can't sing well, or write lyrics or poetry....
and btw, he told me you sing real pretty

14. август 2007, 21:32:31
Относно: Re: music
Tuesday: yep- acoustic picking...that's my big thing...especially oldies, tho I like messing with some newer stuff...have been working with a program my bro got me recently tho to help me develop more on my electric...I can feel electric blues stuck in me trying to get out

I'm surprised you knew that about me tho - I didn't think I talked all that much about it...

13. август 2007, 23:10:57
Относно: Re: music
Tuesday: um....er....no...I can play pretty much anything I put my mind to, but songwriting is not a skill I possess..I'd offer you my daughter, but she's heading to start college this week. The talent seemed to skip a generation and my Sara is the one who does that.
Are ya writing songs? I'm impressed and awed...it's a rare talent

24. юли 2007, 02:28:12
Hiya Dolittle- welcome!!!

15. юли 2007, 23:20:33
Относно: Re: This is a comparison of songs engaged in a high profile plagerism lawsuit
Jim Dandy: umm..yeah, sure sounds like the same thing.....

14. юли 2007, 23:02:39
Относно: Re: Old Black Joe
Jim Dandy:

14. юли 2007, 21:42:25
Относно: Re: Old Black Joe
Mousetrap: I never heard of her either..I really enjoyed that- thank you!

14. юли 2007, 06:19:14
Относно: Re: Townes Van Zandt
TexasToest: oh you know my heart melts when you start talking about Townes
Here's one of his last performances that I know of...Poncho and Lefty


and here he is on Austin Pickers in 1984 talking telling about the song...


and yeah, he was special to alot of us.. the true Texas troubador....

he'll always live in our hearts tho, huh?

13. юли 2007, 04:19:08
Относно: Re: and still in the forecast for the Greater Houston Area...
Jim Dandy: oh cool! You found it! I didn't know what to look for...is that from his Live at Mocambo DVD? that's where the Texas flood cut I posted was from...got that DVD too : )
In case no one here has noticed...he's my man! My all time favorite

I miss him soooooooooo much - thanks

13. юли 2007, 04:05:12
Относно: Re: and still in the forecast for the Greater Houston Area...
Jim Dandy: wow..that would be cool to see... I have the DVD of the concert he played at Montreaux where they booed him off stage...can ya believe it, but that's where he met Bowie and Jackson Browne, the rest is history...
Having grown up here, I'm one of the lucky ones who cruised the streets of Austin bar hopping when he was still playing in the bars there...some real early days
going to look on utube

13. юли 2007, 03:51:18
Относно: and still in the forecast for the Greater Houston Area...
can I get a day without this stuff????


13. юли 2007, 03:49:22
Относно: Re: Classic TUBES from 1976
Jim Dandy: well ya could just get you an old rocking chair and listening to some aging musicians...
but watch out for those long tailed cats

9. юни 2007, 05:14:40
Hey Jim Dandy..welcome to you as a moderator to the board!

5. юни 2007, 04:23:02
Относно: Re:
Rose: I've never been to Toronto, but I loved that!!! Too cool...loved those saxes and now I'm gonna have that stuck in my head, and no one in Texas is gonna know what a "Spadina Bus" is..I'd never heard that! Thanks

31. май 2007, 03:05:21
Относно: Re:
awesome: I didn't know about the Concert Vault...looks like some great stuff! Thanks!!!

31. май 2007, 03:02:45
Относно: Re: wow- what I wouldn't give to go back and re-live 1971
awesome: I don't think so...the energizer-bunny man you see playing is the Late(I think?) Great Steve Marriott..

I think Frampton left before the Smoking Album (1970? 1971?) anyways, he blew it, he left before they really stuck gold..
But Framp did ok on his own too...
I thought at first that was him to the right there in the video, but don't think so.....hard to tell under all that hair!

31. май 2007, 02:53:41
Относно: wow- what I wouldn't give to go back and re-live 1971
stumbled across this one checking out the mountain links..anyways...drum roll...Steve Marriott


31. май 2007, 02:33:28
wow awesome and Nirvana...Mountain!!!
What can I say but AWESOME!!!

And just to set things straight from the earlier convos about Los Lonely Boys..there are THREE of them..and they are all brothers..the Garza Brothers..Henry on lead guitar, Jojo on bass and .the one hiding behind the drum set is the third brother..his name is Ringo and named after..yes, you guessed it. He's not out front like the other two, but his voice belnds with them and gives them that awesome blend..you might not notice him there hiding behind the drums, but you would notice if he ws NOT back there singing too.
Anyways, here's one of my favorite songs of there and brings him out from behind that drum set and shows his stuff a little.

30. май 2007, 02:29:25
Nirvana, Jim and Mousetrap..those are all so great! I enjoyed every one of them. I love the diversity on this board!

30. май 2007, 02:26:26
Относно: Re: Papa John Creach
Jim Dandy:
Yeah, it's harder to get them out when they are dancing..
Just to clarify, one played fast pitch, one is a darn good dancer, and the other one (known on here as w0nder kitty) is our karate kid. She may look sweet and innocent, but she's a brown belt and NOT afraid to use the force! LOL

And now to keep this on topic...here is a video clip I hope you all will enjoy...check out this guitar! LOL soooooo cool!!!

29. май 2007, 02:37:43
Относно: Re: Papa John Creach
Jim Dandy: yep! My kids played softball and danced!

I never knew she did Ruby Tuesday
And I agree with you on the Brand New Key thing...
it gave her some exposure, I guess, but not really the good kind, imo

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